A Surprise Birthday Gift From Her Kind Employer Made This Woman Cry For Joy: “I’ve Only Been Working For 9 Months, My Employer Is Very Kind To Give Me A Smartphone!”

Women from the Philippines and Indonesia frequently work as maids in other countries. They work for a family for numerous years until some of them acquire the employer’s trust and are considered as family members.

For the past nine months, a maid from the Philippines has been working for a family in Singapore. But it was incredibly poignant when this maid was able to celebrate her birthday with her boss and was surprised with a new smartphone as a gift, which left her speechless and crying.

According to Mothership, the maid recorded a video of herself receiving her gifts on TikTok on Aug. 30 and it went viral.

She opens her birthday present with a smile on her face and speaks with her boss while wiping away tears multiple times throughout the video.

When she opened the package, she discovered it was filled of paper pieces. The employer asked her to remove a box hidden inside the larger box containing the paper scraps, telling her that it contained two gifts, Part 1 and Part 2. Wow!

The maid seemed to know what was in the second gift as she took it out, and she was overjoyed as she exclaimed to her boss, “Oh! I’m aware of what this is… I’m aware!”

And the employer’s kid, who was sitting next to her, couldn’t wait to see what was inside the gift. “I know this is a smartphone!” she replied.

When she opened the gift paper, she spotted a smartphone, and she couldn’t believe her eyes. She cried tears of excitement.

While wiping away tears, the maid thanked her boss.

“I didn’t even get a smartphone for my birthday!” exclaimed her boss’s kid, who was envious.

The Samsung Galaxy M32 smartphone is the Part 1 gift for this lucky maid.

Part 2’s prize is very appealing. For the new smartphone her kind and kind employer handed her, she has three ‘beautiful casing’ options.

The maid also shared images of the food her employer’s family prepared for her as they celebrated her birthday. Jenebee cake, fried chicken, and even sushi are all on the menu.

The employer gave her a birthday present after 9 months of working for this family, she claimed in the TikTok video. As a result, she is quite appreciative and pleased.

Jenebee praises her boss for being giving and compassionate, and she appreciates the trust and affection he has shown her.

When an employer presents a smartphone as a gift, it demonstrates that they trust their maid and, of course, that they believe the maid’s good job has satisfied them. As a result, she is deserving of recognition.

Despite the fact that she only worked for a short time, it is clear that the employer and maid had a strong working connection.

When you meet good employers and employees, you are quite fortunate, and you must always acknowledge and be grateful to them.


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