White Mother Gives Birth to Three Black Babies, And Her Husband’s Reaction Is Absolutely Beautiful

Her Husband’s Reaction Is Absolutely Beautiful After Her White Mother Gives Birth to Three Black Babies

Families now seem quite different than they did 50 years ago. Interracial marriage is commonly recognized, and adoption and foster care provide children with a forever family. It’s fairly unusual for a family to be made up of parents and children of various races and skin kinds.

Aaron and Rachel Halbert are firm believers that racial strife in our country—particularly in the south, where they grew up—should never be used to undermine a child’s ability to have a family.

In fact, they think it is their responsibility to appreciate the uniqueness of our diversity.

After years of trying to conceive, Rachel and Aaron decided to try a new approach to starting a family: adoption. They joyously welcomed a young boy and a little girl into their forever family, both with darker complexion.

The couple adopted two African-American children, and their lives were transformed in a spectacular way.

The Halberts didn’t plan on having any more children until they learned about the National Embryo Donation Center, a Christian embryo bank that ‘saves’ extra frozen embryos generated after IVF therapy.

Embryos with only a few cells are usually destroyed or donated to research when their biological donors successfully implant one.

Christian centers, on the other hand, take ‘donations,’ which may subsequently be ‘adopted’ by couples who are having difficulty conceiving.

They took two frozen African American embryos and implanted them according to protocol. However, one of the embryos split within the womb, and the couple learnt they were expecting triplets six weeks later!

In April, three girls were born as triplets.

“But oh, how glad we are for God gifting us with these lovely young ones He has placed in our care,” Aaron says. Their family is not what Aaron and Rachel had anticipated 12 years ago when they were dating and contemplating adoption.

This proud papa’s expression as he cuddles their three children tells it all.

While the glances and criticism for their multiracial family have been unpleasant at times, the couple couldn’t be more pleased with their decision.

Not only is it wonderful that Rachel was able to have a child, but the Halbert family of seven is also a live example of what God has called us to as brothers and sisters in Christ.


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