Premature Baby Smiles From Ear To Ear 5 Days After Being Born
At the age of 37, a mother of 11 is expecting her twelfth child.
Freya’s mother, Lauren Vinje, shared the happy photo with a birthing blog. Thousands of people shared the photo on social media within days. This picture of a happy preemie will warm your heart!
“At the age of five days, we had our first daughter.” She weighed 3 lbs 14 oz (1.7 kg) and was overjoyed to be alive!” Lauren penned an essay. Despite the fact that she weighed less than a typical baby (which varied from 5.5 to 11 pounds), she was able to enjoy life right away.
Lauren Vinje’s pregnancy was not without its challenges, and at 28 weeks, she began to show signs of preeclampsia, a pregnancy condition marked by high blood pressure, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Lauren Vinje’s doctor told her on Nov. 25, 2014, that the baby’s heart rate was dropping and that she needed to be ready to deliver.
Lauren Vinje stated, “I didn’t get to hold her until she was around 5 hours old.” “David, my husband, was able to hold her very immediately. They made sure she could breathe on her own because lung development is always a concern with preemies.”
Vinje shot a photo of Freya five days after she was born, grinning from ear to ear.
“That image has always been one of our favorites,” Vinje added. “I knew it would bring a smile to people’s faces…great it’s to know her grin has brought a smile to others all around the world.”
“Hopefully everything will be OK, every situation is different,” Lauren Vinje emphasized to parents of preemies. There feels like you’ll never get out of the NICU, especially when you’re in it. It was really difficult for me. I didn’t think I’d be able to appreciate my new baby.”
Over 9,000 individuals commented on the post, many of whom shared their own preemie tales.
David, Vinje’s husband, said his favorite aspect of the popular photo was witnessing how people all around the world reacted to it.
“We are all born into this world in our own special manner, and it’s been amazing to witness the reactions to the photo,” David Vinje said. “As a family, this image has brought us relief and joy, and it’s been a delight to watch it affect others in an unexpected manner.”
Lauren Vinje stated, “Honestly, she is the finest thing that has happened to us.” She’s a lot of fun. She’s overjoyed. You can see her tiny personality in that photo from when she was 5 days old, and she hasn’t changed since then. She’s still the same cheerful young kid she was in the shot.