3-Year-Old Boy Claims Friendly Bear Kept Him Company During 3-Day Disappearance

Casey Hathaway, a 3-year-old boy who was playing at a relative’s house in North Carolina when he walked into the woods, went missing in 2019. Hundreds of searchers joined the effort to look for the kid after his disappearance, which sparked a major search that garnered national attention. A neighbor heard screaming coming from the woods three days later. Casey claimed that a furry buddy kept him safe as he was entangled in a bush and cried out for his mother.

Most of us experience a sickening feeling when we hear reports of missing children. You are aware that kids just cannot care for themselves in the same manner as their parents. You ponder whether they even know how to seek assistance. Would they be able to tell someone where they were if they were able to phone 911? You also question if they are aware of those they should avoid and those who can assist them. Unfortunately, they’re not all the time.

We can’t even begin to imagine what Casey’s family, who was three years old at the time, went through when he vanished. He was playing outside in Ernul, North Carolina, with two other kids, according to Inside Edition. The two other children went inside once playtime finished, but Casey stayed outside. His great-grandmother looked everywhere for him for more than 45 minutes but was unsuccessful. At this point, she made the decision to declare him missing and dial 911.

Before Casey was discovered safe and sound, search activities started and lasted for several days. Casey was not clothed correctly for the weather at the time of his disappearance, according to Craven County Sheriff Chip Hughes. How did he endure the chilly nights? The child attributed the bear’s kindness to him.

Casey was reported missing, and a massive search was launched to locate him. As divers joined the search, it was conducted. The area’s ponds were assessed. As the hours passed, the weather gradually started to deteriorate. According to CNN, the FBI, US Marine Corps, and state investigators soon joined the hunt.

Casey was eventually discovered in some briars, but he was easily set free and had a fascinating tale to tell. The Guardian said that Casey claimed a helpful black bear had kept him warm during the two chilly nights he was away.

Breanna, Casey’s aunt, who had been updating everyone on the issue via her Facebook page, was the first to let people know that Casey had been located. She uttered:

“He claimed to have spent two days with a bear. To keep him safe, God sent him a companion. A good God exists. Miracles do take place.

Casey’s story may or may not be real, but bear researcher Chris Servheen said he didn’t want to cast doubt on the then-3-year-account. old’s He added, “I don’t want to smear the kid, but I think the small boy had a fantasy.” But it’s okay if the boy felt secure while being watched by a wild animal. Regardless of what got him through it.

Following the event, Casey was taken to the hospital for treatment of minor injuries and undernourishment. His mother continued by expressing her gratitude to everyone for his homecoming in good health. She affirmed, “He’s good. He is excellent”.

Hughes, one of the men who assisted in his rescue, and Casey met up again a year later. “The drive was there,” he recalls, “from the community, my folks, and everyone who came out.”

Source: apost.com


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