Johnny Depp Claims He Will Not Return to ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ Franchise

In the recent deposition of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, the Pirates of the Caribbean star stated that Disney was concerned about his reputation following the abuse charges against his ex-wife. Depp admitted to his own lawyer that Disney had dropped him for the sixth movie of the franchise just days after Heard’s op-ed was published, when questioned by his own counsel.

According to Variety, Heard’s lawyer Ben Rottenborn questioned the actor about a 2018 Daily Mail piece claiming he was “out as Jack Sparrow.” “I wasn’t aware of that, but that doesn’t surprise me,” Depp testified. Two years had passed since I’d been accused of being a wife-beater all around the world. So I’m sure Disney was attempting to cut ties in order to be safe. At the time, the #MeToo movement was in full swing.” “Once that happened, I lost then,” Depp said, adding that he thought his career was “done” the minute Heard leveled the charges against him. I’ll keep that with me for the rest of my life, regardless of the outcome of this trial… I’m suing her for slander and the numerous lies she used to put an end to my life.”

In relation to Disney, Depp confirmed that he was removed from Pirates 6 after the studio attempted to take him from the film “My characters were not removed from the attractions. They continued to offer Captain Jack Sparrow dolls. They didn’t put a halt to their sales. They really didn’t want to find anything following behind me.” Rottenborn later asked Depp, “…nothing on earth could persuade you to return to Disney and work on another Pirates of the Caribbean picture if they offered you $300 million (USD) and a million alpacas? Correct?” “That is accurate, Mr. Rottenborn,” Depp said, confirming his decision not to reprise his role as Jack Sparrow.

The deposition will resume next week, with Heard scheduled to testify on Thursday.

Stranger Things creators have suggested potential spin-offs in other entertainment headlines.



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