Screaming Newborn Stops Crying Instantly As She Hears Dad’s Voice!

Mr. Michael Junior was overjoyed at the prospect of meeting his little princess Portland. Even though Michael was present, he was unaware of something extraordinary that occurred in the delivery room. However, he just discovered some old video footage taken shortly after her birth. When Micheal approached his angel and spoke to her, Baby Portland was screaming like a maniac. She immediately stopped weeping, which was fantastic. As a nurse attempted to put a diaper on her and mummify her, he resumed shooting. She began to cry once again. Michael talked to her once again, his heart full of love. Portland, for the first time in her life, opened her eyes.

Michael Jr., a devout Christian, feels these precious moments contain a powerful message. “Now, here’s the deal. There will always be times when we are uncomfortable, maybe to the point of tears, and when life is simply too much for us. “In those moments, the most important thing to do is to stay still and listen for the Father’s voice,” he explains. “What He wants you to know, I can tell you, is that He loves you.” “All you have to do is open your eyes,” says the narrator.



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