Dustin Hoffman’s Wife, Lisa, Knew She Wanted To Marry The Actor When She Was Just 10 Years Old

The life experiences of certain couples are so poignant and lovely that they remind us that true love does exist.

Dustin Hoffman and his wife Lisa have been married for 42 years, but they have been friends for much longer.

Dustin’s mother and Lisa’s grandmother both resided in the same Los Angeles apartment complex and were close friends, thus Lisa first met Dustin when she was a youngster.

Dustin, who was an aspiring pianist at the time, played the piano on Lisa’s parents’ wedding day, when her mother was pregnant with her. They later joked that she had fallen in love with him and his music before she was even born.

They got to hang out with Lisa’s brother one day when Dustin was 27 and Lisa was ten years old. “Dustin was cracking jokes, playing the piano, and encouraging me to dance about the living room,” says the author. “I hope he waits for me because I want to marry him,” I stated later that day, as my grandma reminded me when we got together.”

Despite the fact that he resided in New York and she lived in Los Angeles with her family, whenever Dustin went to see his grandma, he also went to see Lisa.

When he went to see Lisa’s family after her grandfather died, they recognized they had chemistry.

Their first date was when they discussed their future plans and the amount of children they wanted to have. She requested six, and he explained that he already had two, so four would suffice. That is the exact number of children they have.

Jake was born in 1981 and is a well-known actor, writer, and director. Rebecca was born to the couple in 1983, while Maxwell and Alexandra were born in 1984 and 1987, respectively.

Despite the fact that she knew her husband’s job would take him everywhere, Lisa decided to go to college. She graduated from law school and passed the bar test in 1980.

She, on the other hand, chose to devote all of her time and energy to motherhood and her family. “I knew I wouldn’t be able to pursue a law profession after I started traveling with Dustin, but I also knew I needed to do this one thing for myself,” she explained.

Family is first for both Dustin and Lisa, and despite his brilliant job, she has always remained out of the spotlight, despite the fact that she is the family’s driving force.

Source: en.newsner.com


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