Police Officer Has Adorable Conversation With A Tiny Baby Owl

When responding to all those cries for assistance, police officers never know what they’ll find on the scene. However, they never know what they’ll come across while patrolling, and this time, a group of policemen came face to face with one of the cutest little creatures we’ve ever seen: a baby owl.

The Boulder County Sheriff’s deputies couldn’t help but stop and meet the adorable young bird as soon as they discovered it in the middle of the road. Needless to say, one of them’s “chat” with it touched millions of hearts.

“Hello,” the officer said as he approached. There were a few amazing head spins that followed.


The small bird safely flew away after the unique and delightful encounter and some long eye-to-eye looks.


The touching interaction can be seen in the video below. It’s going to be fantastic!


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