Parents Abandon Baby Born Without Legs—Today, She’s A Gymnast Like Her Famous Olympian Sister

This young lady is an aerialist dancer and motivational speaker who was born without legs and abandoned at birth.

Despite her physical limitations, she enjoys the challenge of learning to dance and hopes to compete on “Dancing with the Stars” one day.

Jennifer Bricker, a 27-year-old aerialist and motivational speaker, currently works as an aerialist and motivational speaker.

She has always enjoyed and excelled in athletics, and was a state champion gymnast as a child, idolizing Dominique Moceanu.

She didn’t discover her idol was her birth sister until she was 16 years old.

Jennifer Bricker currently works as a motivational speaker and aerialist.

Jennifer and her first love: acrobatics.

She claims that completing acrobatic feats while suspended from silk strands makes her the happiest.

“People often talk about Jen overcoming this and that, and I thought this was a serious obstacle, something to truly overcome,” she added.

Jennifer is always up for a challenge, and she hopes that adding dance to her long list of accomplishments would help her advance in her work.

Jen admitted that she was unsure about dance, but she is currently working with a professional dancer to construct a routine that incorporates her strengths, which include her remarkable aerialist abilities.

“Performing on a show like Dancing With The Stars would be my true dream,” she continued.

Jen was abandoned as a child because her biological parents believed she would struggle to cope with her condition.

Sharon and Gerald Bricker, who already had three elder boys, adopted her. She grew up in the little town of Oblong, Illinois, with her new family.

Jen is unfazed by any difficulty and believes that the word “can’t” is not in her lexicon.

Jen was a natural athlete who competed and won State Championships in tumbling against able-bodied competitors when she was younger.

In 1999, Jen was awarded a prize on the podium. She competed in gymnastics and tumbling as a child and discovered she had a natural talent.

Jen is currently based out of Studio City, California. She was raised to believe that anything was possible if she had a strong intellect and was sincerely committed to achieving her goals. She is a true sportswoman who has participated in and excelled in every sport she has attempted.

Gymnastics was always her favorite of all her passions. She has participated at the state level and won.

Her idolization of American Olympic gymnast Dominique Moceanu was purely coincidental and a quirk of fate, as she was unaware of her birth parents. She was taken aback when she discovered that her idol was actually her biological sister.

“Some of my earliest recollections are of watching gymnastics on TV and trying to emulate the moves when I was six years old,” Jen said.

The incredible gymnast is now pursuing a career as a dancer.

Jen was completely enthralled by this magnificent girl Dominique during the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, United States, as she won the hearts of people all throughout the country and became an overnight celebrity.

“My favorite gymnast was Dominique. I couldn’t stop talking about her—I had dreamt about being related to her since I was six years old.

“When I was 16, I found out Dominique was my sister, and I remember thinking to myself, “These things only happen in movies; this isn’t real life.”

“All I knew about my heritage was that I was Romanian and Dominique was Romanian,” she continued. We have similar features and vivacious personalities. I couldn’t help but be pulled to her.”

She began questioning Sharon about her birth family when she was in her teens.

“I wasn’t expecting her to say yes because our family has always been quite open, but she surprised me by pulling out a folder of paperwork,” Jen explained.

“She handed me a certificate and said, ‘You’ll never believe this, but your biological last name is Moceanu,’ she added.

“I understood what that meant as soon as the words left her lips; my boyhood idol was my sister.”

“I opened up a mail just before Christmas, 2007, when I was 21, and I noticed a card fall out, and it was from Dominique,” Jen recalled.

“Seeing her signature gave me the most incredible feeling.” She said halfway through the letter that I was about to become an auntie, so I knew they had accepted me right away.

“Four months later, I met Dominique and Christina, my younger sister.

“The parallels were startling; we sounded the same, had the same mannerisms, and it was like staring in the mirror with Christina, in particular.”

“We all did gymnastics, and Christina’s favorite sport was volleyball, which is my second favorite.”

“Since then, we’ve grown closer, and I feel like a piece of my life’s jigsaw has fit together.”

“Although people I’ve just met are constantly impressed by what I can do, my friends say they forget I’m different outside of work,” Jen said.

Jennifer believes that everyone is “born with unique traits and talents,” and she wants to show others how to put those gifts and talents to good use.


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