Pregnant Woman Looks at Ultrasound And Sees Her Late Dad Kissing Her Unborn Baby

When a pregnant woman looks at an ultrasound, she witnesses her late father kissing her unborn child.

Shantel Carrillo, who is five months pregnant, went to Sharp Grossmont Hospital on Monday for an ultrasound.

Shantel Carrillo couldn’t wait to view her baby’s first ultrasound scan, which she had taken when she was five months pregnant. Her fans, on the other hand, flooded her post with comments when she revealed her ultrasound photographs.

Many of her followers who viewed ultrasound scans informed the soon-to-be mom, Shantel Carillo’s name, that it appeared like an angel was kissing her baby’s head, according to Fox 5 San Diego.

Shantel’s curiosity got the best of her, and she proceeded to investigate the photo that everyone was screaming about.

Shantel was taken aback by what she discovered after a thorough examination. She recognized the “angel” everyone was talking about as her late father.

The figure emerged, her first kid, his first daughter, staring down at her.

The likeness between this photo of her father cradling her first kid, Myree, and the sonogram is absolutely striking.

Shantel said the ultrasound photo reminded her of her late father and gave her shivers.

Shantel’s aunt died of a heart attack in 2016, but based on her ultrasound, we can all see that his spirit is still alive and well, and that her loving father is still looking over them.

The mother feels her father is likewise delighted about her second pregnancy, which he is trying hard to be a part of.

Shantel believes that her father will always be there for her and her siblings.

The video of this touching tale is shown below.


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