Teen Surprises Foster Dad On His Birthday “Will You Adopt Me?”, Making Everyone Cry

Daniel Donaldson’s birthday couldn’t have come at a better time.

Daniel is a mentor to many kids as a youth sports coach in Haleyville, Alabama. But there was one person in particular with whom he had a special relationship.

Alecia, who was fourteen at the time, quickly got close to Daniel in the year after they met. He cared so much for the girl that when he learned she was in foster care, he didn’t hesitate to adopt her as one of his own children.

Alecia was warmly greeted by the Donaldson family. They hoped she would ultimately want to be adopted by them, but they didn’t want to pressurize her into doing so.

Instead, they informed her that the decision was solely hers. All she had to do was tell them if and when she wanted to officially join their family.

Alecia questioned Daniel’s wife Tiffany about starting the adoption process a few months before his birthday. The two of them, together with Alecia’s three new siblings, began plotting a really special manner to inform Daniel of the news!

You can see how hard they all worked to make this happen in the video reveal. Daniel, blindfolded, holds up posters describing what is about to happen.

One of the signs reads, “This man here began out as simply my coach, but he stood up when he didn’t have to.” “He’s no longer just my coach. My supporter, defender, and provider, but now the man I refer to as daddy.”

Daniel removes his blindfold after going through all of the posters to find each member of his family holding their own poster. “Will you adopt me?” Alecia asks.

It was evident that Daniel was more than ready to say “yes” after having Alecia with them for 524 days.

“I’ll never forget that day and the embrace he gave me,” Alecia lamented. “I felt so joyful and protected when he held me.”

Watch the emotional unveiling in the video below, and don’t forget to share this touching tale with your friends and family.


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