Mom On Mission To Show Daughter With Rare Birthmark That She Is Beautiful

One mother has made it her mission to demonstrate how stunning her daughter truly is.

Winry, the daughter of Nicole Hall, was born with a birthmark known as a congenital melanocytic nevi, or CMN. The 13-month-old has a characteristic that sets her apart from other kids as a result.

“”Good Morning America” host Tamra Hall said: “When they originally brought her to me, I believed it was a bruise. It was then rapidly clear to my husband and I that it was not a bruise. In addition, just like the name, I thought it resembled a mole.”

PHOTO: Nicole Lucas Hall, center, with her son, Asher (l), and daughter Winry (r) in an undated family photo.

Dr. Harper Price of Phoenix Children’s Hospital and Dr. Heather Etchevers of Marseille Medical Genetics wrote a report for the National Organization for Rare Diseases that describes CMN as light brown to black patches that can appear in a variety of ways and affect almost any size area or part of the body.

Dr. Harper Price of Phoenix Children’s Hospital and Dr. Heather Etchevers of Marseille Medical Genetics wrote a report for the National Organization for Rare Diseases that describes CMN as light brown to black patches that can appear in a variety of ways and affect almost any size area or part of the body.

Many others are seeing birthmarks like hers for the first time, which is one of the reasons Hall enjoys sharing. “This is a good topic for parents with their kids to see kids have differences, or for those parents who do have a kid that looks like Winry or has any kind of birthmark to have their child represented,” said Winry’s parents.

Winry’s diagnosis may increase her likelihood of getting melanoma, according to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. However, Hall claimed that she is more concerned about the likelihood of bullying as she ages than she is about the possibility of developing cancer.

Hall claimed that despite this, she maintains her composure by taking extra precautions to save her skin.

PHOTO: Winry Hall poses with a doll that has a birthmark like hers in an undated family photo.

“Our top priorities are for her to be healthy and happy. She needs sunscreen supervision, obviously. I exercise caution when wearing caps and similar items “Added Hall. “I’m sure our regular dermatologist visit will become our best friend as we become older.”

Winry’s mother claimed that her character is what really makes her unique.

“She just exudes happiness. She virtually never stops laughing or screaming. I have never seen a baby happier than this one “said Hall. “She already talks a lot. We haven’t said a lot, but she tells you how it is and is already showing signs of sassiness, so I believe we will have a lot on our hands.”

PHOTO: Winry Hall plays on a toy horse at home in an undated family photo.

Hall has been able to digitally meet people from all around the world with a history similar to her daughter thanks to the sizable following she has built on TikTok.

We need to speak with a number of Brazilians who have birthmarks, Hall said. One of them has a child that is nearly identical to Winry, and talking to her because she is so close to my age has been a blast.



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