Tired Mom Falls Asleep In Chinese Subway, But Son Becomes A Guardian Of Her Rest

The sacrifice made by a parent for their children is invaluable. They must sometimes endure excruciating trials just to know that their child is nourished, clothed, and warmed.

It’s also quite wonderful to witness children repaying the favor.

Tired Mom Falls Asleep In Chinese Subway, But Son Becomes A Guardian Of Her Rest

We were completely enthralled by this video, which was shot in a Chinese metro! It tells the story of a young boy and his mother, who fell asleep throughout the ride.

Tired Mom Falls Asleep In Chinese Subway, But Son Becomes A Guardian Of Her Rest

That’s where her son shown his undying love and concern for the exhausted mother. He sat her on his lap and stroked her hair.

The vista is just charming.

Is that something that happens all the time?

Raising compassionate and unselfish children with empathy for others and a desire to help those in need is not simple. To make it happen, psychologists recommend the following parenting strategies:

  1. The key to building a bridge between a parent and a child is to talk openly about sentiments and emotions. Children are not aware of other people’s feelings from an early age; they gradually learn to understand them. The parent’s job is to guide the child through the process by being open.
  2.  Become a volunteer

Volunteer with your child and talk about why it’s important to help others and how it makes you feel.

   3. Allow them to help with chores
 Chores instill in children the notion of individual contribution to a greater good.
4. Give praise for internal drive rather than for the job well done.
Rather than complimenting the floor’s cleanliness, express gratitude for the child’s thoughtfulness and willingness to assist.
5. Instead of rewarding them for one random act of kindness, reward them for persistent excellent behavior.
Be cautious: repeated gifts can lead to a false sense of reward. Your love and spending time with each other should not be viewed as a reward for doing good. The child may believe that parental love is conditional and contingent on his efforts.
Parent-child relationships can be difficult to navigate. Parenting, on the other hand, is the most rewarding experience of all!

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