According To A Social Media Expert, Amber Heard Has Received More Than One Million Negative Tweets.

During the trial, a social media specialist testified that he witnessed over a million unfavorable tweets about Amber Heard. Throughout their high-profile dispute, Heard’s social media behavior was nearly entirely to Depp’s benefit, according to Schnell in court.

The Berkeley Research Group member and social media expert is part of the legal team defending Heard in the defamation lawsuit that has kept viewers glued to their televisions.

Depp, who starred in the film “Pirates of the Caribbean,” has sued his ex-wife for $50 million over a Washington Post op-ed in which she claimed she was a victim of domestic abuse. Depp, 58, claims that he was the genuine abuse victim in their tumultuous marriage, and that the piece ruined his career and reputation.

Heard claims Depp was physically abusive to her many times during their relationship, and she is suing for $100 million.

During the course of this debacle, Disney chose to drop Johnny Depp from the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean sequel. We can’t imagine that movie without Johnny Depp reprising his legendary role as Captain Jack Sparrow. He talked about how he was influenced by this huge change:

“Captain Jack Sparrow was a character I created from the ground up and was something that I, of course, put a lot of [myself] into since I worked on these films with these people and added a lot of myself, a lot of my own re-writing of the dialogue and scenes and humor.”

The trial has sparked a plethora of internet memes and has been a popular topic on social media. Many Depp followers used the situation to criticize Heard and declare that her charges are completely bogus.

Schnell has provided the court in Fairfax, Virginia, with information on how polarized the online reaction has been.

According to Schnell, the hashtag ‘Justice For Johnny’ was the most popular during the trial, with the majority of tweets utilizing it being unfavorable.

“How many of the tweets with the hashtag ‘Justice for Johnny Depp’ were nasty toward Miss Heard?” one of Heard’s lawyers wondered. “All of them,” Schnell responded.

The expert discovered that negative sentiments on Aquaman were expressed in a sample of tweets from the hashtag.

The hashtag’s popularity had increased as a result of statements made by Depp’s former lawyer Adam Waldman in April 2020.

“From April [2020] to 2021, there were certainly twice as many [bad tweets],” he told the court.

Schnell looked examined tweets from April 2020 to January 2021 as a whole, but he also claimed on the witness stand that there had been no change in negative opinion regarding Heard since January 2021.

Heard’s legal team claims that Depp and Waldman are launching an online campaign to smear his ex-wife, based on Schnell’s testimony.

In the avalanche of social media vitriol aimed against Heard, several experts have speculated that she has been targeted by bots.

They are bots, according to Alexa O’Brien, an investigative journalist:



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