Ellen DeGeneres Says Goodbye to Her Talk Show After 19 Seasons: ‘I Feel the Love, and I Send It Back to You’

After 19 seasons of her renowned daytime talk show, Ellen DeGeneres bid goodbye to her adoring audience and team, and everything concluded exactly as it began.

When it first aired in September 2003, almost no one expected the “Ellen DeGeneres Show” to be a success. With 19 seasons, over 3,200 episodes, and numerous awards, it became one of the most legendary shows in American history.

In 2020, things became more problematic after the company’s workplace was suspected of being poisonous. Three producers left, and DeGeneres expressed regret for events that should never have occurred. Season 19 would be the final season, and the finale would air on May 26, 2022, according to her.

The show began with a video montage of DeGeneres entering the studio over the course of each season. The first one stood out from the rest because it had DeGeneres sitting on a couch and watching herself on a television screen.

DeGeneres then entered the studio to a rousing ovation from her crowd. She fought back tears as she began her final monologue, which was a combination of her customary wit and poignant remarks about the show’s history.

Nobody wanted to buy her show two decades ago because she was queer, according to the comic. When NBC did, they didn’t let her say anything that suggested she wasn’t straight. Fortunately, that has altered over time.

DeGeneres closed her monologue by holding back tears and declaring that if she’d ever made someone laugh or lightened their spirits throughout her 19-year tenure on the show, she’d done her job.

Jennifer Aniston, Billie Eilish, and Pink were the final guests on the “Ellen DeGeneres Show.” Because she was DeGeneres’ first guest in 2003, Aniston’s attendance was particularly moving.

Apart from reminiscing about her first appearance on the show and presenting DeGeneres with a mat, Aniston revealed what she did after “Friends” ended: “I divorced and went to treatment.”

Degeneres expressed gratitude to her producers, crew, and viewers for their help.

Aniston alluded to her high-profile divorce from Brad Pitt in 2005, which occurred less than a year after the “Friends” finale. Pink was also crucial to the show’s success because she wrote “Today’s the Day,” the show’s theme tune, in season 13.

The singer of “Just Give Me a Reason” commended DeGeneres’ kindness and thanked her for “essentially gifting” her an Emmy. Pink also sang “What About Us” and gave DeGeneres gifts.

DeGeneres also discussed some of her favorite moments from the show. In season nine, she challenged then-First Lady Michelle Obama to a push-up competition, which she lost by five. Obama cheated, DeGeneres joked.

She scared Taylor Swift in season seven, but it took longer than she planned because she had to wait an hour for Swift to enter the bathroom.

Portia de Rossi, DeGeneres’ wife, was also included in the list of her favorite moments. De Rossi donated her the Ellen DeGeneres Campus in Rwanda in Season 15 to help conserve mountain gorillas.

DeGeneres praised her producers, staff, and audience for their support in the show’s final section. She said “goodbye” and sat on a couch, staring at a television screen. The moving panels closed as she switched off the TV, a clear nod to how it all began. Ellen, your show will be missed.

Source: blkalerts.com


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