Dad Surprises Daughter With Art Craft Tie She Made At Age 5 To Wedding

Prepare a box of tissues, because this story will make you cry. A father-daughter relationship is one of life’s most valuable commodities, and a daughter will always remain daddy’s little girl, no matter how old she gets.

Megan Becker-Towns used to enjoy arts and crafts, and at the age of five, she fashioned her father a tie as an art project for Father’s Day. He vowed he would wear it on her wedding day, and he did!

Megan Becker surprised Glenn Becker with a debonair paper laminated tie for Father’s Day several years ago. Megan spent many hours using construction paper and crayons to surprise her father. Glenn admired her hard work and pledged to wear it on her wedding day.

Megan was overjoyed when her father told her he would wear it to her wedding. “When I was a kid, I would get excited again that he liked it so much he would wear it to my wedding,” she recounted. He proudly displayed the tie over his bedroom mirror for the rest of her upbringing.

“When I was a teenager, I thought it was funny and would roll my eyes at him,” she said. As she developed into a young lady, she wasn’t so amused by the prospect of him wearing it for her wedding.

Megan felt the tie had gone missing around the time she was getting married since her parents had moved, and she assumed it had been lost during that period. When she asked her father, he seemed to share her sentiments.

Megan walked down the aisle with her father, who gave her away, on the big day, but when it came time for the father-daughter dance, he was nowhere to be seen. Glenn appeared on the dance floor a short time later, sporting the crayon-colored, laminated tie.

Megan fell into tears at the surprise, saying, “I was stunned and cried.” It turns out Glenn had kept the tie safe in his toolbox until the wedding.

“My dad is a great jokester, he always has been,” Megan added, clearly affected by her father’s gesture at her wedding. Because so many people were moved by my wedding, I assumed that others would be as well. I just want to express my gratitude for all my father has done for me.”

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Let us congratulate Megan and her husband on their marriage and wish them all the happiness in the world. Glenn has left a lasting impression on his daughter and family with this sweet and kind gesture.



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