Single Mom With $20 Struggles to Find Shoes for Her Son – Until an Eavesdropping Stranger Walks Up to Them

Lito Mason saves the day after overhearing a chat in a discount store and offering to buy shoes for a young man whose mother couldn’t afford them.

Malisa Manguso, a single mother of two small boys, understands how difficult it is to be a single mother.
Malisa took her oldest son Zach to a bargain store in Idaho in July 2019 to buy him a new pair of sneakers. Malisa only had enough money in her budget to buy 11-year-old Zach a pair of $20 or less shoes because his old ones were worn out and virtually unwearable.
Lito Mason saves the day after overhearing a chat in a discount store and offering to buy shoes for a young man whose mother couldn’t afford them.
Lito Mason, who was also shopping for shoes, overheard Malisa’s talk with her kid.
“She was working with a budget, which I understand because it’s back to school time,” Lito explained. “‘So, what kind of shoes do you like?’ I inquired. ‘I simply want something comfortable,’ he remarked. I’d finished! I told him I’d get him whatever he wanted at that time.”
Malisa was taken aback when Lito walked in: “He simply looked at me and said, ‘I tell you what, that kid has to have good shoes on his feet and has to look good to attend to junior high,'” she recalls. “All you have to do is pick out the shoes and don’t worry about the price,” Malisa told KTVB. “I saw Zachary light up and be so joyful for the first time in a long time.”
Malisa later posted the photo she shot of Zach and Lito on Facebook, where it garnered a lot of positive feedback.
“How lovely!” One Facebook user remarked, “What a nice man.”
The message not only extended Lito’s goodwill to others, but it also showed Lito the reactions to his selfless gesture. Someone tagged Lito in the post after recognizing him in the photo.
I had no idea it would turn out to be such a big thing. To have my face plastered all over the web? I’m a very bashful person. It’s simply something I’ve always wanted to do.
Lito was motivated by true kindness rather than fame or money.
“I didn’t want him to worry about a price for one moment in his life,” Lito explained, “and it was as easy as that.”
Lito didn’t simply help a stranger acquire new sneakers when he pitched in to buy a young child a pair of shoes; he also taught a struggling single mother that there are individuals in the world willing to help. Lito’s gesture reminds us that there are people in need, and we should do everything we can to help them.

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