Dad And Twin Sons Cut Enough Firewood For 80 Trucks – Give It All Away To People In Need

Throughout our lives, we experience injustice, and generosity is slowly becoming a thing of the past.

People who do good actions, on the other hand, are still among us, and their golden hearts have renewed our confidence in humanity.

Henry and Harrison McDaniel, twin boys, used to walk into the woods with their father Shane McDaniel to assist him harvest firewood when they were younger. This activity didn’t upset this hardworking family in the least. On the contrary, they see it as a fantastic opportunity to bond while also helping the neighborhood.

A severe storm hit the town of Lake Stevens, Washington, causing numerous trees to tumble down.

“I had a lot of timber to cut down due to storm damage and trees that were uprooted.” It simply kept heaping up, and piling up, and piling up, and piling up, and piling up, and pi “Once there was enough timber, we decided we could do something better with it,” Shane explained.

This man and his boys devised the most unbelievable plan imaginable. Specifically, they chose to combine their hard labor with kindness by providing firewood to those in need.

“The Pacific Northwest is a really harsh location, it’s chilly and wet,” they told PEOPLE Magazine. As soon as I began, I became aware of the need, and my eyes were opened. We basically started giving it out because so many people were stopping and begging to buy it.”

Shane, Henry, and Harrison chopped enough firewood to fill 80 trucks over the course of seven months, from March to October 2018.

They still had a lot of firewood after giving it to those who needed it the most, so they used Facebook to spread the word and urge people to join up if they were looking forward to a warm and nice house throughout the winter.


Posted by Shane McDaniel on Thursday, November 8, 2018

People who came across the post were taken aback by the act of compassion, which quickly spread. Many people volunteered to assist distribute the firewood because they wanted to be a part of what the McDaniels were doing.

“It’s a beautiful sight to behold.” “You can see this pride and sharing that I don’t believe they had before,” Shane remarked.

“People don’t forget when you do good for them.” I enjoy assisting others.”

This world would be a lot better place if more people were as honorable as this family.



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