13-Year-old Boy Trades His Xbox And Does Yard Work To Buy Mom A Car After She Struggled For Transportation

William Preston accomplished something that no other 13-year-old could: he purchased his mother, Krystal Pearson, a vehicle.

Krystal is a single mother of three children in Fenley, Nevada, who has been trying to make ends meet owing to a “unfortunate scenario” and has no means of transportation.

After witnessing several YouTube videos of individuals donating automobiles to their moms, William was moved to help his mother.

He then came across an ad on Facebook from a woman looking to sell her 1999 Toyota Metro for a low price. William phoned the woman and asked if he could trade in his Xbox and some money he had earned cleaning houses and doing yard work in the neighborhood.

After considerable haggling, the woman agreed to the agreement and drove the car to William’s residence.

When William took his mother out to the driveway and told her he had purchased her a vehicle, she couldn’t believe it.

When she saw the Toyota in her driveway, she couldn’t contain her feelings. “I lost it, I bawled so hard, I was just like, ‘There’s no way,'” she added. What 13-year-old you know buys a vehicle for their mother? I’ve never heard of any, and I can’t even convey my appreciation and pride since there are no words to explain it.”

William’s compassion and love for his mother was greater than anything else, including his Xbox, and he has taught us a thing or two about kindness and love at the tender age of thirteen.

Source: goodnewsnetwork.org


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