“I Want to Live to Be 105 to See Him Graduate,” the Story of the Doctor Who Became a Father at 83

Bringing a child into the world is the greatest delight a couple can have, and while it is most typical to have a child between our second and fourth decades, the wonder of life can still surprise us in our later years. That was the situation with Argentinean doctor Alberto Cormillot, who married a lady 48 years his junior at the age of 83 and gave birth to a child.

At Bright Side, we think that even in old age, life has a lot to give. That is why we want to tell you about this man, who opted to build a new family as a senior citizen, with a life philosophy that defies all stereotypes.

“I Want to Live to Be 105 to See Him Graduate,” the Story of the Doctor Who Became a Father at 83

He is Argentina’s most recognized nutritionist, having been born on August 31, 1938, in Buenos Aires. Through his obesity treatment institutes, educational initiatives, and media campaigns, he has helped thousands of people with eating disorders transform their lives over the course of his lengthy career.

“I Want to Live to Be 105 to See Him Graduate,” the Story of the Doctor Who Became a Father at 83

Although he is well-known for his professional achievements, his personal life was brought into the spotlight in 2019 when he announced his engagement to Estefana Pasquini, a lady 48 years his junior.

They are expecting their first child in 2021. In terms of his child’s nutrition, the doctor stated that he and his wife decided that for the first two years, their child would not consume any salt or sugar.

With the announcement of his fatherhood arriving at such a young age, biased remarks from third parties were unavoidable, such as when some journalists joked that “he was going to have a little orphan,” and wondered how long he would be able to be present in his son’s life.

But, despite the criticism, the couple stood firm in their decision, knowing that no one could take away their happiness. “Everything that has been said this week was discussed three months ago […].” “I didn’t ask myself the age question; I’m asking it now because people have begun to bring it up,” the doctor explained.

For her part, she is aware that he will leave her one day, but she is prepared to face it when that moment comes: “They don’t say anything I don’t know, Alberto doesn’t know, or anything we haven’t discussed […].” ‘Yes, it’s going to happen, you’re going to have a child, and tomorrow he won’t be there, for rational reasons of life […],’ my pals assured me. And when he’s gone, we’ll all be there to help you go ahead,’ she admitted.

“I Want to Live to Be 105 to See Him Graduate,” the Story of the Doctor Who Became a Father at 83

On September 17, 2021, the couple’s wish came realized as their long-awaited baby, Emilio, arrived in wonderful health. They returned home together two days later to begin their new journey.

After the birth of his daughter Reneé and subsequently his son Adrián, Cormillot had already experienced what it was like to be a father for more than 50 years. However, he said that the gap between the birth of his last kid and the birth of his current one makes him feel like a first-time parent, since he is learning new things about babies:

“I don’t recall much of what happened anymore.” We went stroller shopping yesterday, so we took a stroller course. These didn’t exist back then, and they were far more rudimentary […]. “It used to be that cloth diapers were washed and changed, but now it’s completely different,” he remarked.

Despite the years between them, his children have embraced their father’s choice regarding his new life and their new baby brother: “My son stated that he would have someone to play catch with, and that having a brother is something he will like.” Reneé, as a feminine child, feels conflicted. He remarked, “On the one hand, she’s joyful, and on the other side, it’s difficult for her.”

Having a kid at the age of 83 is a significant achievement. Alberto is a genuine depiction of how old age may be lived in a very pleasant way, and he challenges society’s unfavorable perception of it:

“When it comes to an older adult, there is a stereotype that says they can’t have children or have fun […].” A kid can be born to a single-parent family, but an older person cannot. It’s not a good idea to do so. A senior adult is an overflow; they are throwaway, disposable, and not even recyclable, and many people are willing to pay for it. He said, “And I don’t buy it, and I didn’t buy it.”

Despite the fact that life has worn him down, his approach to aging is outstanding. “I got cancer twice, which is a sickness associated with older people, and the X-rays reveal that my knees, shoulders, and spine are damaged,” he says, adding that he keeps active by tap dancing and aerial dancing. I’ve had more than 30 injuries in all. Because you see me and realize that I do the same things I’ve always done, there appears to be a contradiction between my medical background and my life,” he remarked.

“I Want to Live to Be 105 to See Him Graduate,” the Story of the Doctor Who Became a Father at 83

Despite the difficulties he experiences as a result of his age, he stated that he hopes to live to be 105 so that he may see his little kid graduate. “I won’t be able to be like a young guy of 30, that’s for sure, but I’ll do what I can,” he said of his situation, adding that he gave Emilio a particular gift: “I got him a phone with a line, and I send him WhatsApp messages and record tales, give him images, and tell him what I’m doing.”

Source: brightside.me


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