Struggling Man Inherits $60 Million Estate After DNA Test Indicates He’s The Rightful Heir

Most of us — at least those of us who lead regular lives — have dreamt about winning the lottery or inheriting an estranged family member’s riches at some point in our lives. Such fancies, on the other hand, are uncommon.

In the year 2019, one young guy in Cornwall, England, experienced what may be one of the most momentous shifts of fortune in history. The man went from struggling to find he was the lone heir to a $60 million fortune while working as a care worker.

Jordan Adlard-Rogers, a 31-year-old care worker, has never experienced a wealthy lifestyle, according to Cornwall Live. He had lived paycheck to paycheck his whole life, and he was constantly concerned about the next set of bills. Jordan, on the other hand, had grounds to assume that his father was a British aristocrat named Charles Rogers. He couldn’t establish his suspicions without DNA evidence or Rogers’ admission.

Jordan found out in August 2018 that Charles had passed away. He asked for a DNA test, which was approved. He found out that his suspicions were right, and Charles was his biological father. Jordan couldn’t believe his good fortune when he received the keys to his father’s 1,500-acre Penrose estate. According to Cornwall Live, the Rogers Family Trust Fund also pays him a monthly income of £300 to £1,000 ($404 to $1,348). Jordan admits that adjusting to the fact that he didn’t have to work for a job was challenging.

“I don’t need to work anymore,” Jordan told Cornwall Live in 2019. “I want to set up a foundation and serve the Porthleven and Helston areas.”

“I’ve worried about the next payment and had a difficult start in life, but now that I’m here, I want to help people.” He went on to say, “I’m not going to forget where I came from.”

Penrose Estate is estimated to be worth $60 million. The estate was initially bought by the Rogers family in 1771, and they have resided there ever since.

Jordan has assumed he is Charles’ son since he was a child, according to Cornwall Live, and his father volunteered to undertake a DNA test.

“When I was younger, he offered to conduct a DNA test, but it never happened, so when I was 18, I knocked on his door and asked if I could get the test, and he told me to go via the lawyers.” “I was 18 at the time, so I had other priorities,” Jordan told Cornwall Live.

“In my twenties, I wrote several letters but never received a response, until three years ago, when I contacted power of attorney Philip Care. “When Philip phoned and informed me Charles was dead,” he claimed, “I wrote one final letter with a DNA test kit included and that was when Philip rang and told me Charles was gone.”

Jordan was ultimately able to obtain the DNA test results that established his link as Charles’ son, despite some family members’ opposition.

Before his death in August 2018 at the age of 62, Charles was the most recent lord of the estate. According to Cornwall Live, Rogers died of a heroin overdose after struggling with his addictions since he was a teenager.

According to the magazine, Charles only worked a few times in his life, including a brief service in the army and a job at a nearby farm.

“Charles had grown incapable of handling any stressful situation.” “He wouldn’t pay his bills, and despite the fact that we were there to assist him in managing his affairs, he just ignored everything, and the mail was just burnt,” stated Phillip Care, the estate manager before to Charles’ death.

Charles was also characterized as “wayward” by Care, who said that while he was always “extremely courteous and well behaved,” he was also a “bit of a loner.”

“He had a free-spirited existence. He wandered around a little and spent some time at Rosudgeon Common. “His parents then presented him with a pair of homes, one to live in and one to vacation lease, and it never occurred because he couldn’t be asked, basically,” Care revealed to Cornwall Live in an interview.

Jordan told Cornwall Live that while inheriting the estate was undoubtedly life-changing, he would have preferred to avert his father’s death.

“People tell me I’m lucky, but I’d do anything to be able to go back in time and have Charles recognize me as his son.” “Perhaps he would have chosen a different route then,” Jordan speculated.



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