Son Of A Farmer Raised In Poverty Receives Full Scholarship To Study In Harvard—Receives Admission To Other Ivy League Universities Through Pure Hard Work And Determination

Romnick L. Blanco was born and raised in a remote part of the Philippines’ Bulacan province. Romnick was motivated to fulfill his father’s aspirations as the son of a dedicated and industrious farmer who wanted nothing more than to see his children flourish in their education.

He had to travel for miles and cross a river to get to school because he lived in the Sierra Madre foothills. Despite the difficult circumstances, he never skipped school and always demonstrated a high level of interest and participation in class. He was soon excelling in all subjects.

Romnick used to walk to school in this manner every day.

Romnick was sponsored by GreenEarth Heritage, a local non-profit organization that works to help disadvantaged farmers’ children by providing them with English and computer literacy education. They also helped with the costs of public school education’s extracurricular activities.

Romnick’s brilliance began to shine soon after. Romnick received a full scholarship from the charity to attend International School Manila, one of the country’s most elite schools, where he graduated with honors in 2017.

Romnick began to attract the attention of a few Ivy League universities, who awarded him full scholarships as a result.

Dartmouth College, Wesleyan University, and NYU Abu Dhabi were among Romnick’s alternatives. In the end, he elected to accept Harvard’s full scholarship offer.

Romnick planned to take a gap year after graduating from high school in 2017 to see the world. This humble child, on the other hand, never lost his beginnings. Romnick has so far planted around 1,500 trees on his father’s farm, which has been a lovely addition since his infancy.

He hopes that more farmers’ children will have access to the same educational opportunities that he did. “I really feel that what occurred to me was nothing short of a miracle,” Romnick adds.


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