Can You Spot the Difference?

How many of you have the ability to include “detail-oriented” as a talent on your resume?

Now you can put it to the test with our new spot-the-difference image.

Two virtually identical pictures of a woman looking out a window can be seen below.

The scene is a little bleak, with the sky outside mostly obscured by clouds.

Except for one little variation, everything in the two images appears to be identical (and one even tinier one).

Are you able to tell the difference?

If you can discover the second difference, you’ll get a bonus.

If you can figure out who painted this, you’ll get a bonus!

Let’s get this party started!

Are you finished?

If you’re having trouble spotting the distinction that everyone is talking about, look at the solution below.

The Solution

We’ve re-posted the image below, but this time the changes are highlighted in red. There are two types: the most obvious and the less evident. First, you can see the mouse hole in the bottom corner, and if you look closely, you can notice that the boat is missing from the woman’s head.

BONUS if you also got it!

So, did you succeed, or are you slapping yourself in the head, exclaiming, “How could I not notice that?!?”

This picture was created by Salvador Dali and is titled “Muchacha de espaldas Mirando al mar,” which approximately translates to “girl with her back to the sea.” Isn’t it perfect?

Try a couple more of the following photos now that your brain and eyes have gotten used to identifying changes.

A few more optical illusions and eye-testing pictures may be found below. After you’ve taken the quiz, scroll down to see the results.

  1. Can you spot the panda in a sea of snowmen?

  1. Find the “C” in the “O”s

  1. Spot the different bat


The answers to each of the problems listed above may be found below. How many of your responses were correct?

How did you like it?

Now that you’ve gotten them all, share this post with your friends and family to put them to the test as well.


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