Cop Teaches 11-Year-Old Living in a Car How to Play Hopscotch in Heartwarming Video

After teaching an 11-year-old homeless child how to play hopscotch, two police officers on official duty became viral.

Zach Price and Scott Marsh of the Huntington Beach Police Department went viral after one of their official responsibilities ended in a nice but unexpected way.

Pricer, in particular, drew additional attention since he was seen in a touching video with a tiny homeless kid on a Huntington Beach street.

Photo of two cops trying to teach a girl how to play hopscotch. | Photo:

The wonderful moment he instructed the young child how to play hopscotch was captured in a heartwarming video uploaded on HBPD’s official Facebook page.

Pricer drew the hopscotch boxes and numbers on the floor in his full police outfit. He then proceeded to demonstrate how it worked to her. Pricer jumped ahead, back and forth between the numbers.

The adolescent, dressed in pink pajama bottoms and a matching sweatshirt, was transfixed by the towering officer’s friendly demeanor. Pricer did an excellent job of hopping over the hopscotch stones at various spots.

It was the little girl’s turn after he missed a box. As she hopped over the boxes without skipping a beat, she demonstrated that the cop was a wonderful trainer. In the background, Pricer could be heard praising her.

He also pointed out some of her errors, which he excused because it was her first time. Pricer’s journey to becoming a cute hopscotch instructor was summarized in the video’s caption:

“An officer checked on a suspected occupied car near Graham and Edinger this morning. During his inquiry, he discovered a woman and her 11-year-old daughter were in the vehicle…”

A user's comment on video of cops teaching a young girl how to play Hopscotch. | Photo:

Pricer and Marsh began their day around Graham Street and Edinger Avenue, where their patrol responsibilities brought them. During their patrol, the two came upon a non-suspicious setting where the suspicious-looking automobile was parked.

The occupants of the vehicle were an 11-year-old girl and her mother, who were living out of their automobile. Marsh wanted to place the mother-daughter combo in a more fitting position, and the concerned cops jumped into action right once.

To establish housing arrangements, he called the department’s Homeless Task Force. Pricer, on the other hand, was quick to see that the 11-year-old was uptight and planned a plan to help him relax.

A user's comment on video of cops teaching a young girl how to play Hopscotch. | Photo:

This was the moment he sketched the hopscotch game with white chalk and taught her how to play. When asked about the issue, he stated that all he wanted to do was “break the ice” and make the girl feel at ease.

This was also his strategy for learning more about the kid. Officer Pricer’s video became popular on the internet, with over one million views. It also received more than 47,000 likes.


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