No One Came to His Graduation So His Teacher Decided to Celebrate With Him Instead

The conclusion can be miserable if the family does not make the effort to show up. This is what happened to a teenager in mid-June 2020. Dominique Moore is a teacher and graduate coordinator at Bessemer City High School. Due to the current pandemic, there was no official closing ceremony that year. But those in the classes who were in safe areas had the thrilling experience of graduating and celebrating their academic achievements.

When he finishing with everything up after the ceremony, he found one of the students sitting alone, left alone. He asked him where were his people. “I know his moods and I knew he wasn’t himself,” Moore said. Moore replied to student that he expecting a great things from him and that everything is going to be fine. Moore hoped someone would pick him up. When he was done tidying up, the guy was still there.

He didn’t have a ride to home, so Moore offered him a lift. In the car, Moore asked him if he was hungry and said he would take him somewhere if he wanted to eat. He suggested getting wings from a popular chain, but Moore wanted to take him to something special. Instead, there was a cheesecake factory nearby.

The two made their way home together. The teenager donned his graduation cap and they enjoyed a prawn basket of fried Oreos and cheesecake he’d never tasted before. Moore had graduated from Bessemer City High School as well, and he was struggling to contain his emotions about food. “Man, I couldn’t imagine graduating high school and my folks not being there”, he said. Moore did not want to interfere with the teenager’s private life or ask why his family did not turn up. He didn’t care, he said. “At that moment I wanted to celebrate with him. He deserves to be recognized for his achievements. It wasn’t every day that a teenager graduated from high school. It’s been an amazing time to be there”.

Following hours of graduation, the teenager had a job at Amazon. He had no means of transportation to and from work, so Moore drove him home and picked him up. Moore posted the full story on Facebook.

You don’t have to turn up and tell everyone you’re there, but this one didn’t fit me well. I don’t know what to do with it. I am familiar with this situation and I can manage it on my own, he said.

When Moore picked up the teenager from work, he took him to the bank and opened a checking account. He also added his cashback app account to his Twitter post in case anyone wanted to help him. By June 19, $5,000 had been donated to the teen. Most of the money was put into a cheque so they could find a reliable source of transport for him.

He received a lot of money and turned to a financial adviser. He hopes he can save enough money in the future to attend college. I was overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity that people showed to Moore and his students. “I’m feeling amazing, that so many people would bless him in the way they have”, Moore told the Good News Network, nine days after he started the fundraiser.

“He wanted to cry, but I said – no, you’ll not cry in front of me”, Moore said. The story went down well with viewers. “We take people’s lives for granted. Even when we are in the worst moments, it shows that humanity is good”.


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