Toddler With Super-rare ‘Uncombable Hair Syndrome’ Spreads Joy On Instagram With His Wild Locks

There are only 100 verified examples of uncombable hair syndrome in the world, and Locklan Samples, a cute youngster, is one of them.

Katelyn Samples, the one-year-mother, old’s has been raising awareness of the uncommon genetic illness by posting images of her baby on Instagram.

Samples, 33, first learned about uncombable hair syndrome in July 2021, when a follower asked whether her kid had been diagnosed with the disorder on the site.

“At first, I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, what is this?'” she explained to The Independent. “My greatest concern was that there was something wrong with him, that he was in suffering because of his hair.”

Locklan had black baby hair when he was born. However, as his new hair began to grow in at the age of five months, it began to resemble “peach fuzz.” Caleb, her 33-year-old husband, assumed the strange texture meant it would be curly like his two-year-old brother Shepherd’s.

“We were like, hmm, what is this?” said the group. People spoke with samples. “We knew it was different, but we weren’t sure how.” Then it just kept getting bigger and bigger.”

Locklan Samples wearing overalls while sat in a grassy field

Samples looked up information on the syndrome on the internet after learning about it. She then contacted Locklan’s doctor, who was completely ignorant of the situation.

Doctors were able to formally identify him after referring her to a pediatric dermatology expert at Emory Hospital in Atlanta.

“You go about your day thinking everything is OK and that your child may have curly hair, which does run in the family,” she explained. “And then to find out that your child has a rare condition – it was insane.”

The doctor assured her that in her 19 years of practice, she had never seen a case of uncombable hair syndrome.

Uncombable hair syndrome, often known as “spun glass hair,” is characterized by exceptionally soft, straw-colored hair with a dull texture that grows in all directions and is hard to comb down or flatten.

Differences in hair shaft development produce the disorder, which mainly affects children between the ages of three months and twelve years.

Uncombable hair syndrome usually improves when a person reaches adolescence or maturity. Fortunately, Locklan is developing properly in all other areas, and physicians assured the family that they had nothing to worry about.

Locklan’s hair is delicate and prone to being tangled and matted, so treating it is a little different, according to Samples. Unless he plays in the mud, she just washes his hair once a week using all-natural products. It also doesn’t become as oily.

She explained, “He kind of wakes up ready to roll.” “I simply try not to deal with it if I don’t have to.”

When they go outside, Locklan’s hair attracts a lot of attention. People frequently request to touch it, which his parents are fine with as long as they ask.

Samples has been documenting Locklan’s struggle on social media since he was diagnosed with uncombable hair syndrome. She wants to raise awareness about the disease and connect with others who are going through it.

“We were like, ‘Let’s share him, let’s share his story, and kind of be a resource for other parents who could be in the same position as my husband and me,'” Samples explained. “There’s just not a lot of information out there,” she says.

Locklan Samples on a swing

Locklan’s Instagram page rose from 3,000 to over 17,000 followers in only a few weeks.

The nicest thing about sharing Locklan’s story, according to Samples, is being able to bring joy to others.

“It’s great to get notes like, ‘Seeing him truly changed my day,'” she remarked.



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