Single Father Decides To Adopt 5 Young Siblings So They’re Not Separated

After several years of fostering children, Lamont Thomas decided to stop. But when he learned of a set of siblings who wouldn’t be allowed to grow up together, he intervened to prevent this from happening.

“No one, not even poets, has ever quantified how much the heart can store.”

These were the words of Zelda Fitzgerald, a novelist. Even with the exquisite beauty of this line, nothing compares to witnessing it emerge in real life.

What we assumed was our hearts’ ultimate capacity for love turned out to be so much more than we could have imagined. Much like a father’s heart who has raised dozens of children similar to his own.

Lamont Thomas has been fostering children for more than two decades.

The Buffalo, New York native spent most of his life trying to improve the lives of children he treated as his own. Thomas has always left a door open for children in need of care and acceptance, despite the fact that he has two biological children.

“At first, I was only assisting some buddies. “They’d given up their child to the system,” Thomas explained on Good Morning America. “I went on to become a foster parent after being certified.” Since then, I haven’t stopped.”

Thomas has impacted the lives of 30 children since then.

Michael Perez, one of his children, told CBS News, “I don’t think that I would be the person that I am today without the ideals that he taught in me and the extended family that I have now.”

In 2001, Thomas entrusted Perez to his care. He is now employed as a nurse.

Thomas stepped down as a parenting icon not long after that.

He watched as his children left his home and went on to enjoy the lives they deserved. Some went on to become professionals, while others began their own families.

Thomas, on the other hand, spent his days fishing and vacationing. This quiet didn’t last long, though, as his heart craved for what Thomas was built for.

When Thomas heard that he had five siblings in the system, he came out of retirement.

Zendaya, Jamel, Nakia, Major, and Michaela were all under the age of six when they were cast in the film. Because it was difficult to house all of them under one roof, the system decided to split the siblings off.

“The kids were placed into care,” Lamont told Good Morning America, “and I feel it was due to negligence.” “They had them in four separate houses and cities.” They had been apart for nearly a year and a half.”

That would not be acceptable to Thomas.

Lamont adopted all five of his siblings because he understood how important it was for them to grow up together.

“They give me a new lease on life.” “They’re really loving kids,” Lamont told the news organization.

“I fought for them to be reared as brothers and sisters.”

To make the formalities official, Thomas marched into Judge Lisa Rodwin’s courtroom in 2019. To begin their lives as youngsters, all five of them moved into Thomas’s home.

Foster parenting is Thomas’ “God-given call,” according to several of his foster children.

Thomas stated that he wished to make a difference by being the change he desired to see in the world. And, as he travels with his newly adopted children, may Thomas encourage others to make a difference in the lives of thousands of children still in the system.

No one has ever measured how many children a heart can carry, but we’re guessing it’s more than 30.

See Thomas and his lovely children in action in the video below!

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