Dad Asks For Advice After Refusing To Walk Daughter Down Aisle With Stepdad

Walking their daughter down the aisle to marry the man of her dreams is an archaic custom that many dads dream about.

However, one father has ruined the event by refusing to accompany his daughter down the aisle with her stepfather, and the internet is furious.

The Redditor claimed that he and his wife split when their daughter was six years old, and his ex “immediately went on to be with another man seven years younger than her” in a recent post on the popular sub-Reddit ‘Am I The Asshole.’

“I knew from many tales I’d heard that [as] a stay-at-home dad, my daughter would certainly wind up being closer to him than me,” he wrote.

“This may seem immature, but I made her swear that she would never refer to her stepfather as her father, that I was her only father, and that she would never betray me.”

To a six-year-old, that sounds like a good promise to make.

AITA for telling my daughter [26F] that I [55M] will not walk down the aisle with her stepdad [50M]. from AmItheAsshole

The dad went on to say that his “prediction came true,” and that his daughter now has a special bond with her stepfather.

Rather than choose one of them to escort her down the aisle, his daughter has requested that they both do it.

“I don’t feel he has any right to escort my blood daughter down the aisle, even if I know they’re close.” “I am her only father, and it isn’t right that he has spent more time with my daughter than her biological father, and now he wants to take this moment away from me as well,” the father raged.

“I became enraged and informed her that I will not share an honor that is rightfully mine as the true father of the bride with some person I’ve never met.”

“She said I’m being petty because of something that happened years ago and that he’s done a lot for her growing up. I told her I wasn’t going to fight about it, and that she could walk home with her stepfather if she wanted, but I wouldn’t be there to see it.”

The man ended his message by asking whether anybody else had experienced something similar and to “see other people’s perspective.” Most comments, predictably, believed he was being a complete jerk.

One commenter remarked, “It’s HER day, and you’re already destroying stuff.”

“So you can’t be an adult and put your feelings aside for your daughter for a day? Why are you forcing her to make a decision? You come seem as envious and resentful “someone remarked

“Is it just me, or am I the only one who is enraged by this guy? He had the arrogance to even ask this question. I pity his daughter for having such a dreadful, pathetic excuse for a parent “Another was written.

Many comments connected to a far nicer chain of events in 2015, when a father invited his daughter’s stepfather to assist escort “their” daughter down the aisle.

Let’s all concentrate on it instead.


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