I’d Rather Stay Single Than Be With Someone Who Doesn’t Match My Efforts
I would rather stay single than be with someone who is wrong for me, but I refuse to fight for someone who does not fit my efforts and my love.
I think it’s better to be single than to be in a relationship with someone you have nothing to do with.
I’d rather be single than in a loveless relationship, but some relationships just don’t work.
They make me sad and anxious, they put pain in my heart, they tell me to leave every fibre of my being in the past and they put me in constant fear.
I just know deep down in my heart that I will never be the person I want and deserve, and I fear I will end up alone, finding no one, wasting so much time and life for nothing, and being afraid to start over. Being single is better than being in a relationship, because there are no red flags in front of your eyes. It’s better to be single than to ignore the fact that there is someone who doesn’t make you happy. I would always choose to be single rather than be with someone who doesn’t make me happy. Being single is pretending that everything is OK when it isn’t, it’s a way of pretending that you’re OK.
When you are respectful, loving and willing to make sacrifices, you refuse to accept disrespect and abuse as the norm. When you are the only committed person in a relationship, the weight you carry on your shoulders increases and the work you have to do, but when you love yourself and respect and love yourself, you do not even refuse, even if it is for a short time.
After all, I’d rather be single than suffer the inevitable prolonged end to my love affair with someone who doesn’t fit my criteria. I know deep down that love shouldn’t be hard, but when things fall apart it will, and it should, get better.