Newborn Pronounced Dead Is Revived and Opens His Eyes after a Hug from His Mother

Emily and Jamie, identical twins, were born two minutes apart at 27 weeks in 2010. Kate and David Ogg’s joy, on the other hand, was short-lived. Jamie, a newborn, had stopped breathing and just had a few minutes left to live. “They were both born in their sacs, but Jamie didn’t scream when they ripped it apart.” Kate Ogg said, “Emily let out a huge wail.” “When we looked over, there were maybe 20 people in the room, and everyone was pressing around Jamie.” The atmosphere was sour. His heartbeat had virtually stopped and he had ceased breathing. They stopped working on him after 20 minutes.”

Kate begged to cradle the baby and told her husband to get into the bed with her so they could embrace Jamie face to face.

“I removed Jamie from the doctor’s office and requested everyone to leave.” He was cold, and all I wanted to do was keep him warm. I felt terrible because we had tried for years to have children. All I wanted to do was cuddle him. I unwrapped him and told him to remove his shirt and climb into the bed.”

The almost-dead baby began to breathe and move more freely after five minutes in his parents’ arms.

“I know it seems silly, but there was still a glimmer of life if he was gasping, so I wasn’t going to give up quickly.” “We were attempting to persuade him to stay,” Kate explained. “We told him his name and that he had a twin who he had to keep an eye on, as well as how hard we had tried to have him.” He let out a loud gasp before opening his eyes. He was gasping for air and clutching Dave’s finger.”

The couple cuddled their newborn for more than two hours, during which time his eyes opened and remained open. Jamie’s parents began to question if he was indeed dying.

“I guess half of us were thinking at the time, ‘What if he makes it?'” David stated his opinion. “If he does, it will be nothing short of a miracle.” ‘No, he’s been certified dead, this is just instinct,’ said the other half.

The couple informed the hospital personnel and persuaded a doctor to examine the infant once more. And the doctor was taken aback.

“He took out a stethoscope and listened to Jamie’s chest while shaking his head. “I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it,” he continued, and Kate agreed.

The twins spent the first 80 days of their lives in neonatal care before being released to their parents. Jamie hasn’t experienced any medical problems since. The twins learnt about the wonderful miracle surrounding their birth when they were five years old. Kate Ogg stated, “Emily burst into tears, she was so distressed, and she just kept clutching Jamie.”

“Kangaroo care” is the name given to this supposedly life-saving hugging. It’s done all across the world, but particularly in poorer nations where neonatal incubators aren’t always available. Like a baby kangaroo in its mother’s pouch, skin-to-skin contact with a parent warms the child. As Kate points out.

“[The baby] emerges from you, and there is no longer the warmth or scent of the mother, nor the sound of their heartbeat.” As a result, putting him back on my chest was the closest I could get to him being inside me, safe.”

Dr. Lisa Eiland of New York City’s Weill Cornell Medical Center has an explanation for this miracle, and it involves Kate’s rapid thinking.

“What matters is the mother’s warmth and the stimulus that the infant may have received from hearing the mother’s heartbeat,” Eiland added. “So they are all things that could have aided the infant in choosing the road of life over death.”

It’s impossible to say how much the kangaroo care saved the infant, but the fact that a baby who had been proclaimed dead survived after cuddling with his parents is undeniable. Skin-to-skin contact between parents and newborns has been shown to be particularly beneficial in studies. It assists the newborn in adjusting to the outside world by keeping them warm and peaceful. It also aids in the bonding of parents and babies, allowing parents to feel more comfortable and confident.


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