Newborn Twins Go Into Lifesaving Embrace Within Womb & Reach For Each Other After Birth

A pair of twins’ relationship is a one-of-a-kind link that you won’t find anyplace else. These children are born into the same womb as their mother and develop in lockstep throughout the pregnancy.

It’s not surprising that twins stay close even after birth, and some babies will want to spend as much time as possible with their twin because that’s what they remember. This was the case with a set of newborn twins who were given a special bath a few days after their birth and couldn’t stop snuggling and holding each other while enjoying the water.

A woman cradles two newborn newborns while splashing water over them in a video from 2013. Sonia Rochel devised this unique bathing procedure, which she calls the Thalasso Baby Bath. Rochel works as a maternity nurse in Paris. She explained that the twins in the video are a boy and a girl who reacted to the water as if they were back in the womb and never released grip of their sister throughout the ordeal.

Rochel devised the method of flowing water over a baby’s head while their eyes are closed and their mouth and nose are above water, allowing them to breathe. She discovered that as soon as the babies felt the water, they reacted as if they were back in the womb, which meant clutching each other again for the twins in the video. Rochel further stated that the Thalasso Bath is only for babies under the age of two months, and that parents should not attempt to recreate it at home.

Another set of twins became extremely close once it was discovered that they shared the same amniotic sac. Due to the shortage of room, the babies were at risk of one of their umbilical cords looping around their neck. Vicky Plowright, the mother, said:

“I’d learned we were expecting twins in less than an hour, but that they might be in danger. It was torturous to be afraid that we might lose them at any moment.”

Fortunately, a professional sonographer saw that the twins had moved into a life-saving hug at the 12-week check. Vicky was overjoyed, as was her husband Chris. They could see their two babies hugging each other tightly and clutching hands on the monitor. This prized position also served as a safe haven for the twins. “By remaining steady in that position, they were able to prevent the ropes from becoming so knotted that they died,” Vicky explained. “It was quite miraculous.”

Vicky and Chris were scared of the babies moving and maybe strangling them for the rest of the pregnancy. “I didn’t feel I could get excited,” Vicky explained, “since I was so terrified we’d be informed at every scan that our twins hadn’t survived.”

Doctors decided it was best to deliver the babies at 32 weeks after one of the twins stopped growing due to a lack of space. They were both born in 2015 and are now healthy and closer than ever. Vicky stated, “They are the best of friends.” “They knew each other and grew up together in such a little place before they even recognized the world, and I knew they’d have a particular link for the rest of their lives.”

Due to their need to hold each other in the womb, the twins seen in the bath video were likely close in the womb as well. The babies drift slightly apart and reach out frantically until they are close together again at one point in the movie. It’s incredibly touching, and maybe these siblings will always desire to be close to one another.

In 2011, researchers at Umberto Castiello’s Umberto Castiello’s Umberto Castiello’s Umberto Castiello’s Umberto Castiello’s Umberto Castiello’s Umberto Castiello’s Umberto Castiello’s Umberto Casti They discovered: “Twins were seen reaching for each other at 14 weeks of pregnancy. They were touching each other more than their own bodies by the time they were 18 weeks old. The twins made discrete movements toward one other and were as gentle with the other twin’s delicate eye area as they were with their own, according to kinematic analysis of the recordings.”

According to the Huffington Post, about 25% of twins are born facing each other in the womb, causing them to develop as mirror images of each other. “They may be right-handed and left-handed, have birthmarks on opposing sides of their bodies, or have hair whorls that spin in opposite directions,” they stated.

The idea that identical twins share the same fingerprints is a frequent myth. Their fingerprints, on the other hand, alter as they develop in the womb. “When identical twins are conceived, they start out with the same fingerprints,” the Huffington Post explained, “but as the babies start to move during weeks six through thirteen of pregnancy, they each touch the amniotic sac, and unique ridges and lines are formed on each twin’s hand, resulting in different fingerprints.”



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