Angelina Jolie Delivers Tearful Speech In Washington With Her Daughter By Her Side

Angelina Jolie is a well-known actress, but she is also a strong champion for women’s and children’s rights.

Jolie and her daughter, Zahara, traveled to Washington, D.C. in December 2021 to work with politicians on the Violence Against Women Act. “Honored to visit Washington, DC, with Zahara to include protections for children’s health and safety, communities of color, tribes, LGBTQ survivors, rural areas, and all survivors,” she wrote on Instagram at the time. “We need reforms such as judicial training, trauma-informed court processes that reduce the risk of harm to children, grant programs for technology that detects bruising across all skin tones and creates non-biased forensic evidence collection, and protections for the most vulnerable,” she continued.

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Representative Sheila Jackson Lee and Senator Lisa Murkowski, co-sponsors of the House VAWA Reauthorization, met with Jolie and Zahara in D.C.

Jolie and Zahara returned to Washington, D.C. in February 2022, this time to witness the Senate’s presentation of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act. Jolie spoke with VAWA supporters as well as Senators Durbin, Ernst, Feinstein, and Murkowski during her trip.

During a news appearance in Washington, D.C., Jolie choked up. “Most of all, I want to acknowledge the children who are afraid and suffering right now,” she continued, her voice filled with anguish. “Many individuals struggle to leave abusive circumstances because they’ve been made to feel worthless,” she continued. When Congress is too preoccupied to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act for another ten years, it perpetuates that sense of worthlessness.”

To hear Jolie’s address for yourself and to learn more about the VAWA, watch the video below.



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