Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant Calms Fussy Baby On Board To Give The Exhausted Mom A Break

Even the thought of flying with a little child gives most parents nightmares, so picture how Savannah Blum, who was on a day of cross-country travel with her 19-month-old daughter Brittain, must have felt.

The mother-daughter combo was on their way from Austin to Reno, with a layover in Las Vegas in between.

But, happily, a Southwest flight attendant reached out to Blum and took care of the agitated Brittain while the plane was about to take off.

When the Southwest flight attendant assisted Blum in caring for her 19-month-old kid before take-off from Las Vegas, the entire episode was recorded on tape.

Everyone loves this little girl- even Southwest passengers and flight attendants ☺️✈️💗 #southwestairlines••To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email

Posted by Savannah Blum on Sunday, April 7, 2019

Jessica, the flight attendant, is shown taking good care of Brittain in the video, which has since gone viral. She can be seen walking down the aisle of the plane with the infant in her arms, locking overhead lockers.

The flight attendant is clearly an expert at caring for newborns, as she converses animatedly with the toddler and calms it, and the youngster even blows kisses and waves to nearby passengers, who wave back affectionately.



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