Elon Musk Quietly Donated $5.7 Billion In Shares To Charity After WFP Said It Would Save 42 Million Lives

Elon Musk privately gave $5.7 billion worth of Tesla shares to charity after the World Food Programme told him that six billion dollars could practically solve world hunger.

In an interview with CNN, David Beasley, executive director of the United Nations’ World Food Programme (WFP), said that tens of millions of people living in poverty in diverse areas are at risk of famine as a result of the epidemic and the worldwide situation. He urged the world’s billionaires to step up and put their money to good use.

David stated that $6 billion could solve world hunger and offer the necessary assistance to save 42 million lives throughout the world.

David stated, “The governments are tapped out.” “This is why, and now is the time for the billionaires to stand up on a one-time basis.” Six billion dollars to aid 42 million people who are on the verge of starvation if we don’t intervene.”

Kabul, Afghanistan, is one such area where many people are suffering from starvation.

Food has become scarce for millions of people as a result of years of violence and drought. According to the World Food Programme, more than 22 million people, or more than half of the country’s population, are suffering from acute hunger, with the majority unable to predict when their next meal would arrive.

“This is a race against time, and I’m scared we won’t be able to keep up,” said Shelley Thakral, communications chief for the World Food Programme in Afghanistan. “We don’t have enough money, so we’re asking for $2.6 billion to scale up as quickly as we need to, which works out to approximately 30 cents per person.” We’re not even close to getting there right now.”

The World Food Programme is the world’s biggest humanitarian agency, saving lives in crises and providing food aid to help people rebuild their lives after conflict, catastrophes, and the effects of climate change. Within the United Nations, their organization is a magnificent example of love and compassion, assisting the needy throughout the world who are in severe need.

Elon Musk responded to David’s request in a tweet after hearing about his interview and statement that $6 billion from billionaires could end world hunger. He said that if he could show the math of how $6 billion could end world hunger, he would sell shares in his company, Tesla, and donate the money.

“If WFP can explain precisely how $6 billion would eliminate world hunger on this Twitter thread, I will sell Tesla shares right now and do it,” Elon stated in a Tweet.

The World Food Programme produced a thorough strategy outlining how the monies will be used to alleviate world hunger during the epidemic in an open and transparent manner. Food and its distribution would receive $3.5 billion, cash and food vouchers would receive $2 billion, country-specific expenditures to build, scale up, and manage would receive $700 million, and global and regional operations management, administration, and accountability would receive $400 million.

After the initial interview with David, there was no further mention of the subject until someone digging through a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission discovered that Elon Musk had privately disclosed that he had gifted a total of 5.044 million Tesla shares to a charitable trust, valued at $5.6 billion, just weeks after the WFP presented him with his plan. While Elon has not made his philanthropic gift public, it is thought to be the $6 billion requested by the World Food Programme, and will be used to save the lives of 42 million people who are hungry.

Elon became the year’s second-largest philanthropic giver, trailing only Bill and Melinda Gates, who contributed $15 billion through their wonderful nonprofit foundation.

Source: moneycontrol.com


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