Siblings Separated For Years In Foster Homes Receive Surprise Adoption Together

The foster care system in the United States may be harsh, especially for siblings who are separated.

For several years, two young boys were placed in separate foster homes. Only once a month did they get to see each other. After taking some much-needed time to recuperate from their ordeal, the siblings were anxious to live together again. Finally, in July 2018, a guy chose to adopt both of them at the same time, fulfilling their hopes. They were finally able to be a family and be together again after so many years apart.

Tre and Ke’lynn are the boys’ names, and they were 10 and 7 years old when they first went on a broadcast in October 2017 to relate their tragic experience. They’d been in Texas Child Protective Services custody for almost three and a half years, spending almost all of that time in separate foster homes.

When the lads finally saw one other, they were overcome with emotion and sobbed. They yearned for the day when they would be together permanently. In November 2017, a doctor named Robert Beck stepped forward and offered to do everything he could to help these guys realize their dream of reuniting.

Beck decided he wanted to be the one to care for the children and give them the permanent home they deserved after seeing the newscast and hearing their heartbreaking story. Beck, Tre, and Ke’lynn were finally proclaimed a family in July 2018, when Beck unexpectedly adopted both boys at the same time.

Tre and Ke’lynn were featured on WFAA’s Wednesday’s Child Report program in October 2017, revealing their painful story of growing up in different foster homes as they worked through their early childhood trauma. The brothers only saw each other once a month and wished to be forever united because they were their sole possession. “I wish I could see him every day,” Ke’lynn explained.

Beck decided to take the next step a month later. He was adopted himself, according to WFAA, and he had previously adopted a youngster from another Wednesday’s Child Report. “I was sobbing largely because it really tugged at my heartstrings,” he recalled, “and I had an instant connection with the boys, so I thought I’ve got to find out a way to bring these guys in my house and learn more about them.”

Tre and Ke’lynn have been living with Beck since then, but nothing has been confirmed. The adoption procedure was going to take some time to complete. That time had arrived in July of 2018.

When the brothers stepped into a North Texas courthouse on July 18, 2018, they had no idea what was going to happen, according to WFAA. They assumed they were simply shooting photos, but they were soon surprised to learn that it was their adoption day. The fact that they were being adopted together made the moment much more meaningful.

Both brothers were looking forward to their future together.

One of the brothers stated:

“I was adopted, and I’m happy.”

Tre grinned and replied, “I’m not sure what’s going to happen next.”

“I’m leaving.”

According to Dr. Beck:

“It’s simply so amazing to be able to offer them a lifelong home and know that they’ll be my forever.”

When asked what the boys mean to him, Dr. Beck said, “They mean everything to me.”

“With all my heart, I adore them.”

According to the American Society for the Positive Care of Children, there are over 437,000 children and teens in foster care in the United States (American SPCC). Furthermore, it takes years for children to be adopted, and those who do not find a permanent home are shuffled between group homes and families until they reach adulthood. According to the American SPCC, approximately 118,000 children in the United States are still waiting to be adopted, with many waiting three to four years. The group also brought attention to the fact that there are 52 percent more males in foster care than girls, with a ratio of 52 percent to 48 percent.

The American SPCC underlined the psychological impact of being displaced from one’s home:

“They face a unique mix of emotional, social, and intellectual obstacles as a result of their relocation. Grief, remorse, anger, sorrow, loneliness, anxiety, low self-esteem, and mental and physical health difficulties are common among them…. Without being adopted or reuniting with their family, 20,500 adolescents are liberated from foster care.”

Tre and Ke’lynn’s fate may have been similar, but happily, Dr. Beck intervened and transformed their lives for the better.



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