Gary Sinise Builds Custom Home For Marine Who Lost Both Legs At War

We will never be able to thank you enough, Lt. Dan, for everything you do for our military men and women!

Few people have the kind of big heart that actor Gary Sinise does. We will never be able to thank this great guy enough for what he has done for our military men and women over the years.

Sinise is best recognized for his portrayal as Lt. Dan in the film “Forrest Gump,” but he has dedicated his life to helping others and giving kindness and joy to those in need. From 2011 to 2019, his non-profit, the Gary Sinise Foundation, raised $194 million for wounded warriors, first responders, and their families. The foundation, among other things, builds specially adapted smart homes for severely wounded veterans that are mortgage-free.

Sinise appears to be doing everything he can to ensure that his portrayal of Lt. Dan, who lost both legs during a military operation, has far more impact than merely being a movie character.

This time, Sinise made a difference in the life of a soldier who shared Lt. Dan’s destiny.

When an improvised explosive device detonated next to Marine Staff Sgt. Jonathon Blank in Afghanistan in October 2010, he lost both legs and suffered a head injury.

Blank’s custom-built home, which Sinise’s foundation provided, is easy to traverse and contains everything he requires. It is energy efficient, features remote-controlled lighting and blinds, and uses voice-activated technology. Furthermore, the mansion features a lift that allows Blank to move from one floor to the next.

Blank’s fiancée Brittney claimed, “He’s always dragging and pulling all of his possessions up and down the stairs.” “No challenge is too great for him to overcome, but just seeing cupboards that he can access by pulling them down rather than having to climb up there can make all the difference in the world to him.”

So far, the Gary Sinise Foundation has assisted in the construction of around 60 homes for injured soldiers.



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