Professor Soothes His Student’s Baby While Giving Lecture After The Baby Starts Crying Mid Class

When most lecturers hold pens or laser pointer pens in their hands, this professor from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has a baby in his arm.

It may appear strange, but there is a genuinely touching story behind it.

Professor Sydney Engelberg, 67, has been teaching at the university for 45 years and is a senior lecturer. He teaches organizational behavior graduate courses.

The professor, who is himself a parent with four children, enables students to bring their children to class.

In the middle of a presentation, a baby of one of his students began to wail. The lecturer, on the other hand, continued his lecture at the front, undisturbed by the crying.

The humiliated mother attempted to leave the class since the baby would not stop wailing.

Professor Engelberg, however, intervened and took the infant from the mother to comfort him.

The infant has stopped wailing and appears to be very content in the professor’s arms, as evidenced by the photo that has gone viral.

The motivating lecturer, according to his daughter, Sarit Fishbaine, permits moms to bring their children to his class and milk them.

Following the incident, his daughter commented on Facebook, “The way he perceives the concept of obtaining an education is not only acquiring the dry information that you need to acquire in class, but also learning morals.”


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