A Homeless Couple is Given a Beautiful Wedding Makeover and Photoshoot After Being Together for 24 Years

Wedding rituals hold a unique place in the hearts of newlyweds. It is the most treasured moment between individuals and performs a variety of functions. A wedding ceremony is often a public event during which the parties’ families and friends see them swear to the sanctity of marriage, as well as their devotion and love for one another.

Weddings are over-hyped by the majority of people. It’s a sign of two people’s hearts uniting as one and wanting to spend the rest of their lives together. However, not everyone can afford such a luxury, particularly the homeless.

Rosalyn Ferrer and her companion, Rommel Basco, are a 50-year-old couple living on the streets of Pampanga, Philippines. Despite the fact that they had been together for 24 years, they were unable to finance even a basic wedding ceremony.

Rommel and Rosalyn share a difficult existence with their six children. They hardly have enough money to buy meals on a regular basis. The couple works together to gather rubbish to sell as scrap, and they just make enough money to feed themselves on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, the destitute couple could not afford the various privileges that other people can enjoy, such as a lovely wedding ceremony to seal their lifelong love for one another. When Richard Strandz learnt about their story, though, their fate altered.

Strandz was motivated by the family’s ability to stay together despite their difficult circumstances. Strandz decided to recruit the support of several pals to help Rommel and Rosalyn get a makeover after learning that they couldn’t afford a wedding ceremony.

When the couple found out about Strandz’s surprise for them, they were overjoyed. They agreed without hesitation to undertake a photograph that nonetheless paid homage to the location where their love story began.

Rommel and Rosalyn are still unofficially married as of late. Strandz and his buddies, on the other hand, are providing the couple with the appropriate documentation for a religious wedding. Their stunning images from the session prove that true love can overcome any obstacle, including poverty.

Rab4Love Studios, a wedding photographer in Pampanga, Philippines, shared the stunning photographs from the surprise session. You can see more of Rommel and Rosalyn’s work on the photographer’s Instagram account.

The formal wedding is expected to take place later this year. Best regards, Rosalyn and Rommel!


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