High School Sweethearts Reunite and Get Married With Each Other after 64 Years ‘Getting Together Was Meant to Be’

Former prom dates met and rekindled their love after being married to other people for decades. The pair tied the wedding on April Fool’s Day in 2017, continuing their relationship where they left off.

It’s not uncommon to see high school dates fall madly in love. One couple, on the other hand, waited more than six decades to reunite and put a ring on it. Even at their advanced age, the two lovebirds were ecstatic to begin a new life together.

Joyce Kevorkan and Jim Bowman met at York High School in Elmhurst, Illinois, through common friends. Bowman got smitten with Kevorkan, a beautiful, kind, and friendly young lady.


In junior year, the two started dating and liked hiking, picnicking, and dancing at formal gatherings. The lovebirds had a terrific time dancing the night away when they accompanied each other to senior prom.

“You should have seen the outfit she was wearing; it was stunning!” It had a big, fluffy feel to it. “She had the appearance of a princess,” Bowman recalled.

Unfortunately, after graduation, the pair lost touch and went their own ways. Bowman enrolled in the University of Illinois, while Kevorkian attended Lawrence University in Wisconsin. They met their future life partners in college.

Kevorkian was married for 53 years until her spouse died of a stroke and abandoned her for good. Bowman and his wife had 58 happy years together, but she died after a stroke and the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

Their relationship was reminiscent of “The Notebook,” a classic novel and film.

The two ex-lovers were heartbroken, yet they never forgot about each other. “I hadn’t talked to Joyce in years and years,” Bowman said, “but I started wondering what she was doing after all these years.”


Bowman was determined to track out his long-lost beloved, so he tracked down Kevorkian’s address and wrote her a letter. Fortunately, Kevorkian responded, and the two began conversing. Kevorkian requested Bowman to visit her after multiple phone and email conversations.

He told ABC News, “I came to VST and we started to find we both still liked all the things we liked 64 years ago, and she’s more beautiful today than she was 64 years ago.”

Bowman traveled from his house in Illinois to the retirement institution Indiana, where Kevorkian resided. Past lovers discovered that they still enjoyed dancing, listening to music, reading, and listening to books. Bowman contacted Kevorkian and proposed after he had departed.


Immediately, Kevorkian agreed. The pair married on April 1, 2017, in the meditation room of Kevorkian’s retirement facility, surrounded by their loved ones.

“It was destined for us to meet. They say a person never forgets their first true love, and it was as if there was still a smoldering light in each of our hearts,” lamented Bowman.

Anna Harris, Kevorkian’s granddaughter, acted as the mad of honor for her grandmother. On their trip home, the pair visited Harris at Indiana University and honeymooned at Brown County State Park. They intended to make the most of the time they had together.


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