Café Owner Offers Man Who Had Been Homeless For 16 Years A Job After He Asked Her For Money

Cesia Abigail Baires respects everyone equally, so when a homeless man approached her café in 2016 asking for money, she gave him more than just a helping hand.

Cesia, 25, wanted to learn more about his situation, so she questioned, “Why don’t you have a job?” “You do realize that nothing comes to me for free, do you?”

The man lowered his head and described his predicament. He claims that his multiple convictions prevent him from finding work, forcing him to live on the streets and earn money the only way he knows how: stealing and begging.

Abi's Cafe

Cesia is the café’s 20th owner in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She has struggled long and hard to keep her company going, and the years have not been easy. Cesia, on the other hand, stated she “had a connection with him” when the homeless guy, Marcus, came into her café that day.

She’d seen him walking up and down Main Street before, but they’d never actually spoken.

Marcus washing the dishes

Marcus didn’t have much of a choice given the cards he was dealt, but Cesia decided to give him a shot by providing him a position at Abi’s Café.

Cesia remarked on Facebook, “I was short-staffed that day.” “As a result, I asked him, ‘Do you want to work?’ ‘I’ve got a job for you!’ His eyes widened and his grin brightened my day!!!! ‘I’ll do anything for food,’ he added.

Before starting work, the café owner handed Marcus a sandwich, but instead of eating it all, he wrapped half of it in foil and hurried outside to give it to a homeless woman on the street. Cesia expressed her gratitude by saying that the act “truly affected” her.

Marcus and Cesia Abigail Baires

“Do something kind for someone today, and don’t pass judgment just because they’re asking for money; we don’t know their condition…” “Some people deserve a second chance,” Cesia said in her Facebook post.

Marcus hasn’t missed a single shift in two weeks, which has further cemented Cesia’s trust in him. Despite the fact that her business was going through a rough patch, she felt she had made the correct decision in employing him.

Cesia told CBS News that “other eateries wouldn’t even let you use their facilities.” “I don’t judge people based on their appearance – go ahead and utilize it.” “I don’t regard [homeless individuals] any differently than anyone else.”

Cesia was described as a godsend to the homeless man by many people when their tale went viral. But it was the opposite way around for her.

“A lot of people say I’ve been a godsend for him,” she explained, “but at the time, I was the one who needed a blessing.”

Cesia Abigail Baires

Marcus, who has been homeless since the age of 16, has a long way to go to improve his situation. To assist him, the couple agreed to deduct 10% of his pay and lay it aside so that he could learn to save.

“I had my help, just like Marcus,” Cesia stated. “I had a lot of individuals that assisted me in getting to where I am now.

They had faith in my abilities. “Everyone needs someone to believe in them.”

This tale demonstrates how one little act of kindness can make a huge difference in someone’s life.

In the video below, you can learn more about this remarkable story.


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