First Mum In Britain To Have 10 Boys In A Row Finally Gives Birth To Baby Girl

The Brett family is shown here with their newest addition, a baby girl.

Alexis Brett thought her family was complete after giving birth to her youngest son, Rothagaidh, two years ago. She was the first mother in Britain to give birth to ten males in a row.

But, as it turned out, life had a surprise in store for her and the rest of the family — a new member. As a result, at the age of 39, she became the mother of 11 children just a few weeks ago. She has spent the last 18 years of her life pregnant for more than 8 years and is now quite happy with her large family.

Cameron is the 11th kid in the family.

Campbell, 17, Harrison, 16, Corey, 14, Lachlan, 11, Brodie, 9, Brahn, 8, Hunter, 6, Mack, 5, Blake, 3, and Rothagaidh, 2, are the couple’s other children.

On Christmas Eve, as the rest of the family was recovering from a stomach flu, Alexis noticed that hers was lingering longer than everyone else’s and took a home pregnancy test to confirm the news.

The family is used to people making comments by now, and not all of them are complimentary. “Some people assume we’re on benefits, but we’re not,” Alexis explains. We don’t even qualify for full child benefit because David has a decent job.”

Her husband works as a railway conductor and normally leaves the house about 5:30 a.m., leaving his wife to enjoy her cup of coffee and a shower while the kids are still sleeping. Alexis hopes to return to work as a part-time fitness instructor in a few weeks, despite the fact that being a parent to 11 kids is difficult because she has to wash 49 loads of laundry per week and vacuum seven times per day.

The mother of 11 says she now believes her family is complete with Cameron’s birth.


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