Teen With “Everything To Lose” Graduates Top Of His Class Despite Spending 12 Years Homeless

Despite being homeless and dealing with all of the regular teenage troubles, this youngster managed to retain a high enough GPA to graduate as valedictorian.

Griffin Furlong, who was 18 at the time, attended Florida Coast High School in Jacksonville in 2014. Despite his struggles, he managed to retain a high enough GPA to be named valedictorian.

The adolescent stood in front of his graduating class, just like other valedictorians throughout the country, and made his final address as a high school student. Parents and educators were taken aback by what he stated.

Griffin informed the audience that everyone assumed he did well in school because he was clever, but that was not the case. He didn’t have a choice and everything was on the line. Griffin’s mother left her life when he was six years old, as a result. His father struggled to raise him and his brother while working full-time. His family eventually ended up in a homeless shelter.

His family did live in a rental property for a while, but they were finally evicted. Griffin spoke of going to bed hungry and not knowing where his next meal would come from throughout his address. The adolescent had never known a true childhood. He recalls being treated as if he were less than human, and it was then that he resolved to make something of himself.

Griffin realized that a good education would benefit him in the long run, so he persisted and graduated valedictorian.


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