Magical Moments: New Dads Meet Eyes The First Time With Their Infants In Delivery Room

Professional birth photographers captured really beautiful photographs of these dads supporting their partners in the delivery room — and meeting eyes for the first time with their kids.

“This father was emotional from the moment the midwife told his partner it was time to push. During her excruciating birth, the man was there for her every step of the way, including two epidurals. Because there had been so much anticipation for this moment, when it eventually happened, his emotions fully overtook him in the most beautiful and honest way possible. I can’t imagine how pleased his child will be when she realizes how much her father loves her as she grows up.”

“As the pushing phase progressed, this first-time father became increasingly excited to meet his daughter. As her head began to emerge, her father continued to hide his face in amazement. Her first breath had stolen his breath away!”

“‘What a magnificent moment in time,’ one parent exclaimed, describing the excitement behind the curtain and the serenity above it. Until I saw this shot, I had no clue my wife had hired a birth photographer, but I’m glad she did.”

“This little girl’s mother had just handed her over to her father for some skin-to-skin time… and she was smitten!” At the age of less than two hours, she was raising her head to look right into her father’s eyes.”

“This new father is holding his child for the first time after waiting for his spouse to arrive and have skin-to-skin contact with the baby. He was patient, but you could see he was looking forward to hugging his child.”

“There are times in life when you know something is going to alter you for the rest of your life. And there are moments when you just can’t handle it!”

“This is one of my all-time favorite images. The mom was healing from her C-section as we waited for them to bring her in, so the dad spent some time snuggling and getting to know his baby child in the privacy of their hospital room.”

“She was the couple’s one and only child. It was also their first time giving birth at home, and everything seemed to go smoothly for them. There was a lot of love in the room. This infant is clearly daddy’s little daughter.”


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