4 Real-Life Miracle Stories That Prove The Power Of Prayers And Restores Our Faith In God

Even if you feel alone and helpless, listen to the stories of those who have had to listen, especially those who need prayer and spiritual support.

Even though it may feel like it will take a while, remember that your strong faith and consistent communication with God will not be in vain.

Your sincere prayers from the heart will never go unanswered, and for your faith there will always be prayers, even if you feel unable to do so.

God shows you the way by giving up your fears and insecurities and giving himself up to you. He is ready, willing and able to pray for you in faith, even in the midst of the most difficult times.

Here are some stories that will restore your faith and prayers, and many are witnesses of his love for you. And here are four true life miracle stories of faith in prayer and the power of prayer for your life.

1.Tara Geraghty, a mother from New Jersey, was devastated when her 4-month-old daughter Emily started breathing abnormally. She had known for a long time that something was wrong with her baby, but medical tests showed no underlying illness. When the Emily’s mother rushed to the emergency room, doctors told her they were surprised the baby was still breathing. He added: “By the time she was taken to our emergency room she was already dead”.

Shortly afterwards, Tara was told her child had been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and she and her family were devastated. Upon hearing this, she told medical experts that it must have been a sign that God would not take her children.

For the next 78 days she sat with her child and prayed for the healing of her dear daughter. According to Readers Digest, Tara said: “I was on every prayer list imaginable. I believed in God, I prayed, my prayers were answered and I could sit and pray for my child”.

Tara’s daughter is now completely healed and the proud mother knows that it was God’s work. The mother said: “I call her my miracle child because she is.

2.Lily Groesbeck was rescued by her mother, father and sister after being trapped in a flooded car for more than an hour.

According to ABC News, a police officer who came to resuscitate the then 18-month-old child said he heard someone calling for help. Officer Jared Warner told KSL: “We got out and we were just talking and all four of us can swear we heard someone in the car saying’ help ‘. We weren’t sure where the voice came from, but we got in and just talked to them. It was very surreal,”one official said, according to the news agency.

There was absolutely no one in the water who really cried out for help And they were all unconscious, but they managed to stay alive in freezing temperatures. The mother did not survive the crash and although officers arrived at the scene about an hour after the accident, the little girl survived.

3.Lisa Hutchison, from Massachusetts, was devastated when her mother suffered a serious stroke. The child was too young to speak, but it was believed that a voice was divine help that saved her at the time. She was paralyzed on her right side and spent many months in hospital and later in a nursing home.

Lisa told her mother to keep praying and she did, and the miracle reminds us of the power of prayer, especially for those who need it. She gave her mother a card with an angel and put it on the wall so that she could see her every time she looked up. I told my mother that if she continues to pray, she will continue to pray until the end of her life, no matter what.

She prayed with the advice of her daughter and her heart and it slowly began to heal, and she believed that one day she could move her right side. She rubbed her right hand every day and thanked God for keeping her alive. It looked like a miracle, her thumb finally moved, but she had to thank God again and again until she finally moved it.

4.Ruby Greene – Cassimiro gave birth to her baby by C-section, a girl with a heart defect, according to ABC News.

Doctors tried to resuscitate her, but after a long trial they found that they were not lucky and the mother could not be found alive. It was time to tell her family she was no longer there and doctors tried to resuscitate her, but they couldn’t.

Her heart started beating again and she went home with her baby, and the family felt blessed that day. The unexpected happened in the middle of the night in front of her family and friends in hospital, just hours after her death.


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