How To Train Your Brain To Stop Worrying

It is normal to worry about the future, the state of the world and even the health of family and friends, but from a mental health perspective, these worries are an unnecessary evil. While some believe it is a bad habit, others claim it can help us learn from past experiences and prepare for new ones. The fact is that our concerns are undoubtedly focused on a future that we cannot control, not on the past.

We worry about many different things every day, but we cannot worry about every anxious thought in our heads. If normal worries are persistent and uncontrollable, they can be exaggerated to the point of madness. They can disrupt our daily lives, make us restless and nervous, make it difficult to concentrate at work or at school, put a strain on our emotional and physical health and can cause anxiety.

Chronic anxiety can also be a common anxiety disorder that causes general discomfort that affects your entire life. You can treat it with alcohol or drugs or try to distract yourself with a zone in front of the screen, but negative feelings can affect people.

This signals are for your brain to relax and save energy, but it also means that it needs to remember just as important. There is a way to improve this by simply putting everything you are worried about on paper.

The journal Anxiety, Stress, and Coping published a study asking sufferers to write down three possible outcomes for a stressful situation. The more participants engaged in a particular topic, the less concrete the content of their remarks became.

This finding belies the idea that concern could inspire better problem analysis. Instead, concern is believed to be a cognitive avoidance reaction, and worryingly, the body’s survival mechanism is its ability to decide whether or not to activate combat or escape systems.

The journal Psychosomatic Medicine published a study showing that exercise relieves anxiety symptoms and reduces stress. It also lowers blood pressure and gives the body the fast heart rate and sweat you feel while you’re worrying.

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to reduce tension and anxiety and to end anxiety. If you are stressed, go out for a few hours in nature before returning home and meditate to calm your mind and reduce cognitive anxiety.

The art of brain training teaches us to observe disturbing thoughts as they enter our minds and see them pass through us like clouds on a windless day. Once we realize that our worries are only thoughts generated by our mind and that they can be true or not true, we can look at them as truth and believe them. So there are ways to stop buying into these thoughts and react as if they were true.


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