Pregnant & Paralyzed Bride Walks Down the Aisle After Being Told She’d Never Walk or Have Kids

A paraplegic bride goes down the aisle in this happy news story, despite doctors’ predictions that she would never walk again. They also declared she’d never have any more children, despite the fact that she’s expecting. And Brittney Bedwell’s remarkable tale reminds us why we should never give up!

Brittney Bedwell and her little son were involved in a horrible ATV accident in 2017. Thankfully, Brittney’s son was not seriously hurt in the accident. Doctors, on the other hand, had a long list of things Brittney would never do again.

When the crippled bride walks down the aisle on her wedding day, it’s a victorious moment that has been years in the making!

An Inspiring Adventure Against The Odds

Doctors informed Brittney Bedwell that her life would be drastically changed after the car accident that left her disabled.

“A doctor told me I would never be able to walk again, and I refused to accept it,” she remembered.

Brittney first struggled with sadness as a result of the numerous things doctors told her she would never be able to do again. She was close to giving up. Then God accomplished something incredible.

Brittney explained, “I just woke up one day and I just began feeling some things in my legs and I knew it wasn’t finished.”

Brittney grew adamant about defying the doctor’s predictions. And she got right to work on achieving a seemingly unachievable objective.

“I just knew I had to go over [the doctor’s] statement that ‘Oh, you’re never going to walk again.'” She says, “I just kept pushing myself.”

Brittney’s desire got even stronger once she met and then married Glen Hitchcock. The pregnant bride’s desire to go down the aisle at her wedding only spurred her determination.

“It was very significant to me because I got to witness my sisters go down the aisle with [our father], and I knew I wanted to accomplish that, so I had to work even harder,” Brittney stated.

The Bride Is Paralyzed As She Walks Down The Aisle

Brittney Bedwell persisted in her efforts. When the big day arrived, all eyes were on Brittney as she walked down the aisle, immobilized!

“When I glanced out into the audience, everyone was crying, and I was simply shocked that they were all there for me and Glen,” Brittney Bedwell, an inspirational overcomer, stated.

It was a genuinely moving experience for those who observed it.

Posted by Brittney Hitchcock on Saturday, July 10, 2021

Ashley Sieb, her sister, commented on Facebook, “She leaves me dumbfounded.” “So let me just say this: Brittney Bedwell motivates me to never give up.” To believe in miracles, to persevere in the face of adversity, and to love completely and freely.”

Glen, Brittney’s husband, stated, “I’m over the moon honestly.” “I’m certain she’ll be able to get out of this [wheel]chair at some point.” It’s only a question of time.”

And it isn’t the only miracle this incredible couple has experienced!

The Story Of The Paralyzed Bride Is Designed To Inspire

Doctors said Brittney wouldn’t be able to get pregnant again because of the injuries she had in the ATV accident.

But it wasn’t the only miracle that happened as this disabled bride walked down the aisle and inspired so many others. She and her husband Glen received news that beat all chances yet again. The couple is expecting a child!

Brittney Bedwell may have given up after being informed there were so many things she would never do again. She, on the other hand, did not. She dug deep and fought on.

Brittney hasn’t given up the battle yet, though. She intends to continue pushing and trying to achieve even more.

“It’s crazy – I never thought I’d make it this far,” she remarked. “I think I’ll be able to walk if I keep going.” I wouldn’t be able to walk properly, but I’d be able to walk further than down the aisle.”

Brittney also wants her story to motivate and inspire others.

“I want [people] to achieve their dreams and not be hesitant to try something they’re frightened of because you never know what will happen,” she said.

“Just keep pushing yourself,” Brittney advises. And she’s absolutely correct!

When things appear unattainable, it’s tempting to give up. But we must continue to push ourselves to do our part, and then let God take care of the rest!



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