Boy Who Saved Little Sister From Dog Attack Gets Praise From The Avengers

Just when we thought Avengers: Endgame would be the last time we saw Captain America, Chris Evans reprised the role for a very particular reason: to honor the bravery of a 6-year-old kid.

We may like superheroes from the movies, but this real-life hero outshines them all. Bridger Walker threw himself in the way of his 4-year-old sister and a charging German Shepherd on July 4.

As he deflected the dog’s assaults on his sister, the dog attacked the kid in the face and head numerous times, but Bridger was able to grasp his sister’s hand and run with her to safety. “If someone had to die, I believed it should be me,” he responded when asked why he did it.

Bridger’s injuries were treated by a plastic surgeon in a two-hour procedure that included over 90 stitches.

Bridger’s aunt, Nicole Walker, uploaded an Instagram post explaining her nephew’s experience in the hopes of receiving support from the Avengers, Bridger’s favorite superheroes. Her post has already received over 1.3 million likes on the social media network.

Anne Hathaway, Mark Ruffalo (The Hulk), Tom Holland (Spiderman), Brie Larson (Captain Marvel), and the Russo brothers are among the celebrities who have contacted the family.

Captain America’s time came two days later. Evans learned of Bridger’s bravery via Brandon Davis of, and he sent him a recorded video message. Bridger’s aunt, dressed as Captain America, filmed the moment Bridger viewed the tape. Despite the fact that he couldn’t grin due to his injuries, it’s apparent that he’s overjoyed to hear from his idol.

“Hey, Bridger,” says the narrator. This is Captain America. “How’s it going, buddy?” Evans got things started. “As a result, I read your narrative. I witnessed what you did, and I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times in the last few days, but let me be the first to say it: Pal, you’re a hero.”

“You were very brave and unselfish in what you did.” Your little sister is really fortunate to have you as a big brother. “I’m sure your folks are really proud of you,” he said.

Before the video ended, the 39-year-old actor assured Bridger that he would give him an original Captain America shield.

“Continue to be the man you are; we need more individuals like you.” “Hang in there, I know it’ll be difficult to recover, but based on what I’ve seen, I don’t think there’s anything that can slow you down,” Evans ended.

Ruffalo, who played The Hulk in the film, was one of the first characters to praise Bridger.

“The most courageous and thoughtful individuals I know are those who put the well-being of others ahead of their own.” “I love and respect your boldness and heart,” the actor said on Nikki’s Instagram. “People, fighting against people, or strolling about like a tough person are all options. True bravery is knowing what is right and doing it, even if it may harm you in some way. You are a man unlike many others I have met or known.”

Captain Marvel star Brie Larson said she will be “DM’ing” a special message to Bridger.

Even Anne Hathaway, who isn’t a member of the Avengers series, was moved by the boy’s story, which she posted on her Instagram account.

“I’m not a member of the Avengers, but I recognize a superhero when I see one.” She captioned the photo with Bridger and his sister, “I can only hope I’m half as brave in my life as you are in yours, Bridger.”

According to an update in Nikki’s article, Bridger’s wounds are looking a lot better.

She stated, “He’s in fantastic spirits, and his amazing personality is intact.” Nikki also said that, despite the fact that the kid is still unable to smile broadly, he was “grinning” while she read him some of the remarks.

She also explained that the Walkers are friendly with the owners of the German Shepherd, calling them “very fantastic people who have been nothing but nice to Bridger and his family.”

Captain America’s message to courageous Bridger is below.

Even Ironman has a message for our young hero now.

The Avengers may have just added a new member to their ranks. Spread the word about this real-life superhero by sharing this story!



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