7-year-old Girl Loses Her Shoe At The Start Of A Race: She Goes Back To Get It, She Doesn’t Give Up And Wins The Race (+Video)

How true it is that children may teach us grownups very valuable lessons about maturity and tenacity. One excellent example is the tiny topic of this story. The young athlete was competing in a race with her friends when she encountered a minor setback early on. She overcame this setback, rejoined the race, quickly caught up to her rivals, and eventually won the event.

This was a test of fortitude and willpower that enthralled the internet and once more made us grownups aware of something: we must constantly consider the children’s behavior since, due of their innocence, they can serve as an example even for those who are older and more experienced. However, let me go into greater detail about what occurred to this tiny fighter.

A young athlete is seen performing something amazing and moving in a video that her father posted on Instagram. The young Lay Lay, age 7, experienced a setback in a 200-meter sprint that complicated her strategy for winning. The young girl misplaced a shoe right before the marathon began. She returned, found it, put it on, and then resumed running like a little Cinderella. Unfortunately, by the time she found her shoe, her rivals were well ahead of her.

Consider she to have given up? If so, you are utterly mistaken. Lay Lay was so determined to get back in the race that she tried everything she could to do it. You can clearly hear her family’s words of support and their pride at what their young daughter accomplished in the visuals on the video.

She was able to recover and – you won’t believe this – actually win the race in spite of the hiccup and the delay in starting with her competitors. Yes, she did manage to cross the finish line first after starting in last place. A result that delighted her, her family, and the many viewers of the video.

Many people praised Lay and said that she had to have the blood of champions flowing through her veins. It is impossible to mention Terence Crawford, her father, even in passing. Terence is a multiple championship-winning boxing champion who undoubtedly instilled his success-seeking tendencies on his daughter.

Source: nypost.com


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