Young Boy Gets 18 Million Views On YouTube For Fishing Technique That Uses Only Plastic Bottles

Line fishing and rod angling are the two basic methods of fishing with a rod and line. Rod angling uses a simple pole tied to a fishing line or hook, while line fishing uses a handheld fishing line lowered into the water from an elevated position.

Pro Fish Hunter, a YouTube channel, showcased a young fisherman who is already an expert in his art in January.

His fishing video has already racked up over 18 million views on the platform, and the approach he employs will astound you.

A young boy arranging his fishing set up

The boy catches fish with plastic bottles and strings because he doesn’t have any expensive equipment. And, as implausible as that may seem, he demonstrates that it is doable.

The 8-minute video shows the boy using his own gear to fish in a river.

He starts by preparing his bait. Rather than using little fish, bugs, or worms, the boy takes out a dough-like substance and wraps it around each hook.

A young boy arranging his fishing set up

He then proceeds to the river’s edge, where he will lay up his fishing lines and plant four reeds along the bank. The child untangled the fishing line from the plastic bottles and secured them with wooden sticks.

When the child threw the lines into the water, it became clear that he was a pro. He was satisfied, so he let the fishing lines do their thing. After all, sitting by the lake and waiting for the lines to capture some fish might be exhausting.

A young boy throwing fishing lines into the water

The boy returns after three hours finds distorted reeds and larger lines, indicating that fish were caught.

He pulls the line in on the first bottle. The youngster didn’t seem to fight much, so you’d think it was a minor capture, but the fish was about half his size when it came out of the water!

He then catches the next one, but this time it was a smaller fish.

Because it was the tiniest, the third one was the simplest to catch.

Finally, he caught the fourth fish, which was the second largest of all the fish he caught that day.

A big fish caught by the young fisherman

Overall, the boy had a successful fishing day!

Thousands of people went to the video’s comments section to show their support for the boy who caught fish with plastic bottles. Some of the most notable reactions are listed here.

“This is fantastic. At such a young age, to have THAT level of confidence and ability. Perhaps his difficult life circumstances led him to mature too soon. I wished him luck and prosperity, and I had the highest regard for him.”

“Wow! Who needs all those fancy gadgets when you have a creative mind? He didn’t even have to fight the fish because he had a bottle on a stick. You go, kid! Remember how powerful he is for lifting those fish by himself.”

“You were raised well!” Give your kids some hands! They are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves! It makes them more attractive! He is a true angler! Look at how far he stretches the line! From South Africa, it was fantastic.”

Watch the young fisherman in action in the video below.



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