100-year-old Man Creates World Record After Working At The Same Company For 84 Years

Walter Orthmann began working at a textile industry when he was 14 years old, in January 1938, and has remained there ever since.

Working at the same company for almost 84 years has set a world record for a Brazilian man. According to Guinness World Records, Walter Orthmann, 100, has worked for the textile company Industrias Renaux S.A for more than eight decades. Orthmann began working at the age of 15 in January 1938, when his family was trying to make ends meet. It was also a time when the majority of children worked. “Back in 1938, children were expected to assist maintain the family,” Orthmann explained. “At the age of 14, my mother took me to look for work as the oldest son of five.” He began his career as a shipping assistant before moving up to sales. He was promoted to department manager not long after. Guinness World Records wrote of Orthmann, “Walter believes that the finest aspect about having a job is that it provides you a feeling of purpose, commitment, and a routine.” He now holds the Guinness World Record for working for the same employer for the longest time.

Orthmann’s story stands out at a time when corporations are struggling to retain employees due to low pay and a nasty work environment. According to PEOPLE, one of the main reasons the 100-year-old has stayed in the same work his entire life is the ability to travel and meet new people. “During his 84 years of service, he has witnessed numerous changes in the company, the country, and the world,” Guinness said in a statement. “As a result, he’s realized that staying current and adapting to diverse situations is one of the most crucial aspects of the job.”

Orthmann celebrated his 100th birthday at the workplace last month, on April 19, with friends and loved ones. “We don’t notice the passage of time when we’re doing something we enjoy,” Orthmann added. “I don’t plan ahead of time and am unconcerned about tomorrow. All I worry about is waking up, getting dressed, exercising, and going to work tomorrow; you need to get engaged with the present, not the past or the future. What matters is the present moment. So, let’s get started!” Orthmann also claims that his constant desire to learn new things kept him going forward. It was never about the record for Orthmann. It was always about keeping cheerful and working in a positive environment. “Despite never having considered setting a record, I believe my biggest achievement was getting certified as the titleholder for the longest career in the same organization,” says the author. ReneauxView is the new name for Industrias Renaux S.A, where he works. He was in Brusque, a tiny town in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina with a substantial German population.

He used to go barefoot to school as a child and excelled in school. However, when his family faced financial difficulties, he looked for his first employment. He went to the weaving mill with his mother to ask for a job, and he was hired due of his great command of the German language. “I was offered the chance to work as a salesperson. I came to So Paulo and filled the factory with orders equivalent to three months of work in less than a week “he remembered His responsibilities increased as he progressed up the corporate ladder. He was continuously traveling and meeting new individuals and clients by the 1950s. He liked his way of life. He was constantly on the move and built a strong network of clients, many of whom would become lifelong friends. His capacity to adapt was one of his best skills, and it served him well during his 84 years in the organization. He loves to stay current on processes and practices and adjusts as needed.

He may be 100 years old, but he is in excellent health, thanks in part to sticking to a regular schedule and exercising. He still drives to work and has outstanding mental and memory clarity. When asked for professional advice for someone just starting out, he replied it’s critical to work for a solid organization that keeps you motivated. He leads a rather relaxed lifestyle and avoids looking too far ahead. “I don’t plan ahead of time and don’t give a damn about tomorrow.” All I worry about is waking up, getting dressed, exercising, and going to work tomorrow; you need to get engaged with the present, not the past or the future. What matters is the present moment. “Let’s get to work!” he exclaimed.

Source: hindustantimes.com


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